How much coop space for ducks?

My boyfriend and I went crazy with our duck pen. We have 255 square feet for 6 ducks (will be 24 by the end of summer and magically become 6 again after culling this fall).
We just set up a dog house for our ducks inside the run. It's separate from the chicken's coops:
For those worried about predators (this is just our "inner run") we have a whole 20x20 run outside of this that we let them out of after work and during weekends.

How many ducks do you have living in the dog house?
I just got the go ahead to plan a duck house next Spring and I'm still not convinced how I should go about it.

Do you think it would be better to build it tall, or keep it shorter? And is it better to add separate "stalls" or keep it open?

Do any of you heat your coops? I have electricity in my chicken coop and so far all I do is add heat bulbs. It's pretty insulated so we got that going for us. I'm just not sure if ducks will need as much extra heat as my chickens.
I have heard that ducks are very cold tolerant! People say that ducks will go outside in winter and will stay out in very cold weather.
Well. They do have problems with temps over 90, but so do chickens. I think as long as you have lots of nice cool water around the ducks will be fine.

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