How Much DE/Food Ratio?


11 Years
Jul 19, 2008
So, I FIANALLY found someone who carries DE and paid $50 for 50 pounds (ouch!). I have all the coops dusted and now I'm wondering how much to mix in with the feed? And do you do it every feeding or just so many times a week or what?

I really liked the idea of feeding it as a natural wormer and that's what really sold it to me but I also like to try to keep my girls profitable and $50 seems really steep!
Personally, I don't think there is any actual documentation as to how much or how often. There are a lot of recommendations. I dust some into their feed about once or twice a month. You could do it every day without harm.
I put the DE in yogurt (which they all love!) and they gobbled it all up. Is it OK to do it that way? I hope so since I've already done it!
how much to mix in with the feed?

The only advantage to adding DE to the feed is to kill insects in the feed.

Mix in about 5% by weight.

There is no other reason to feed it to them​
I think 2% DE (about 2 lbs per 100 lbs feed) was recommended for dairy cow feed but not sure on the chickens. Originally it was used as an anti-caking agent (and insecticide) in feed but the dairymen using it said their cows were healthier also, there are 14 minerals it DE. Supposedly reduces hatching ability of fly larvae in manure. Helps scours in calves and many other things. Please be careful of the kind of DE you buy, it is not all the same, so do your homework. I use food grade Fossil Shell Flour by Perma-Guard, Inc..
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I was told by a breeder to just sprinkle it in their food. It's pretty harmless stuff so they wont od or anything. Suppose to be real good for worms & parasites.
also, there are 14 minerals it DE


I'm betting you heard that from someone trying to sell you some

Pure DE only has 3 components
Silica, Alumina, and Iron Oxide

The typical chemical composition of oven dried diatomaceous earth is 80 to 90% silica, with 2 to 4% alumina (attributed mostly to clay minerals) and 0.5 to 2% iron oxide.[1]

Suppose to be real good for worms & parasites

Another often repeated myth

There have been 4 or 5 scientific studies and the data consistently show that diatomaceous earth does not kill worms in goats although one study did show that at a very high level (5% of the diet), it had a slight effect.​
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is there any proven evidence that de has any benefit? is there any reason to put in feed? I did because I thought it would prevent it from caking etc.. I sprinkle it on ground in run to try and keep flies at bay. does it work?

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