how much diatomateous earth should I use?

I drink it because I had some intestinal parasites 3-1/2 years ago, in the form of a tapeworm. Needless to say without going into too much graphic detail, I was able to 'identify' it....

There are thousands upon thousands of intestinal type parasites, and we have tests for only several hundred of them, and yet the tests are also inaccurate due to the fact that you have to know when the parasite is 'shedding' to be able to positively identify it. I was hungry all the time, even 1/2 hour after I would eat a big meal, stomach constantly gurgling. i was eating like a pig and never gained weight. I was actually loosing weight and had other bathroom issues. Since I have been taking the DE - food grade ONLY - all those problems went away. There are some very interesting links you can find on the internet about DE. I also use it for my dogs, goats, sheep, ducks, horses, and around the house/yard to keep away ticks, fleas, ants.... also can work to eradicate bed-bugs.

Here are a couple of links on DE
I sprinkle it on them like it's old fashioned flea powder. I do it out in the yard so the run off and what they shake off is also sprinkled around the grass and helps kill pests there too. It's not fool proof, I mean I still bathe my 4 dogs every 2 weeks to maintain a mostly flea free home. They'll have a few fleas on them most of the summer so if I wasn't bathing them I'm sure it would be out of control after a couple months. It works for me. I hate those nasty chemical spot on treatments so I'd rather do a little extra work and live with a few fleas. A friend has also suggested sprinkling the perimeter of her yard to prevent pests from coming in. I may try this though I don't know how effective it would really be. And yes, it is food grade DE for sure.
Yeah earthworks is where I order mine from now. Thanks for the info. I have a book on all the different uses of DE but haven't read it yet. A lot of good it's doing me on the shelf. :-/
i wonder if you can use the same kind of dust bath material you use with chinchillas?
Lets get a few things straight about DE. There are a lot of myths out there.

1. DE does NOT repel ANY insect. It is a drying agent that sucks the juices out of some worms and some insects with jointed shells IF it gets on the insects while it is dry. If you want to kill insects in coops use Seven dust.

2. DE does NOT kill internal parasites. When it gets wet it has the same consistency and potency of sand and will not kill anything. Putting it in animal feed may kill some insects in the feed. It will NOT kill weevils in feed. It will NOT kill internal parasites in mammals or fowl.

3. DE will kill ground insects such as fleas until morning dew renders it useless. Sprinkling it on your yard might work in Phoenix in the summer, but if you have grass in your yard, forget it.

4. DE should not be inhaled. It is a fine, fine powder and if it is inhaled by you or your pets, it would be like inhaling any fine dust into your lungs. Don't do it.

5. DE IS good for using as a drying agent. I put it on the floor of my coop whenever it gets too damp. Thats it.

All of the wonderful things you read about DE are published by the people who sell DE. If you want more information just search on this forum. There is a ton of good info out there. Don't believe everything you read until you do a little fact finding.
I love DE! It keeps the flies out of my run and the odor down. My run is almost always dry since there's a roof. I mix it sometimes with Sevin and put it in my run once a month. It is dusty and I do not use much. I do wear a mask, but using it in the run is better with all that ventilation.

I sprinkle in the coop run and slightly mix in the sand. I don't have a set amount.
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thanks for all the responses, I have been using the DE and the coop smell at a minimum( I do however clean every day), all the chickens are doing well and I am going to add the sevin powder also. You guys are so much help!!!! :)
I purchased 40 pounds of DT from local elevator for $20.00. Food grade smood grade, just don't breath the dust when mixing. 1/2 pound DT to 50 pounds layer, I feed all the time, my girls are doing very well. I also mix at same rate for my grains, 60% cracked corn, 30% whole oats and 10% wheat. Also add oyster shell, grit and DT. All the other wild critters benefit from this mix when I cast some out for the girls. I would not suggest using elevator purchased DT on yourself. Package says to use on all your barnyard critters including your dogs. At 10% the cost of food grade DT, you really can't go wrong at your local elevator.
I purchased 40 pounds of DT from local elevator for $20.00. Food grade smood grade, just don't breath the dust when mixing. 1/2 pound DT to 50 pounds layer, I feed all the time, my girls are doing very well. I also mix at same rate for my grains, 60% cracked corn, 30% whole oats and 10% wheat. Also add oyster shell, grit and DT. All the other wild critters benefit from this mix when I cast some out for the girls. I would not suggest using elevator purchased DT on yourself. Package says to use on all your barnyard critters including your dogs. At 10% the cost of food grade DT, you really can't go wrong at your local elevator.
okay, what is a local elevator? Probably a dumb question.

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