How much do chickens cost per year?

Right now I'm feeding 100 pounds of layer pellets per week. That's $11.00 p/bag, so $22.00 per week.

If there's 52 weeks in a year, then 22x52 makes it $1,144.00 p/year.

I have 15 large layer hens, which may or may not lay an egg each day. But, lets say on an average, I get 12 eggs per day. That's 84 eggs per week, which is 7 dozen per week.

So, I would have to sell my eggs for 3.20 per dozen to brake even. That's not gonna happen, for sure.

I also have 35, banty hens, and 25 banty roosters. Trying to sell some, but not having much luck.

I guess it's an expensive hobby, but the benefits of free range eggs, and watching something grow, mature, and walk around in the yard is priceless
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Seriously?! At my feed store, a 50lb bag of layer pellets costs $8. Chick starter (50 lbs) costs $9.

I have been trying to figure out how much I spend feeding my chickens. Just for fun. I think it's about $40-50 a month, at most.

"a few hens for eggs" turned into about 50 something chickens *LOL* I can't help myself!! Love the little things! I never dreamt that this would have turned into such a huge passion for me. I can't wait until we move (currently renting, so didn't want to spend too much on coops)... I am going to have a chicken paradise for my feathered babies!

I hate you all. (j/k)
A 50# bag of feed at the cheapest of the 5 feed stores in my area is $17.99 plus tax. And you don't want to know how much I pay for organic. My birds eat better than me. My eggs are probably worth the trade-in on a used car by now, lol!

Just to echo everyone's sentiments, you can plan and budget and have chickens very cheaply. But when (not if
) you get addicted to chickens you will want to spoil them the way you would any pet. Some of us on here, myself included, have gone off the deep end over our feather babies. Think of it this way: you'd spend about the same, if not more, pampering a dog, and it'll never make you anything to eat (lazy mammals and their useless, microscopic eggs).

I forget who had this in their sig: "Chickens are like potato chips. You can't have just one." It's funny 'cuz it's true. Most of us end up inhaling the bag.
I pay about $20. in feed every month (for 8, chickens, 2 turkey and a bantie) that's roughley 100 lbs of crumble and 50 lbs of cracked corn so 20 x 12= $220

shaving's is about $ 5.00 and i go through 1 per month so 5 x 12= $ 60.

apple cider viniger $2.00 per month 2 x 12= $ 24.

treats are free

304 a year

i built my coop from recycled stuff around the farm and off of bought my chain link fencing at a auction for about 30 bucks, i think i spent another 20 in hard ware.

i bought 3 waters, 3 feeders, and a couple of old chicken pans for $ 18 and a farm auction. i bought 2 1 gal and a half gal at a feedstore for less then $20.

you can also find great deals on craigslist too, we just got it out our way and i've been searching it every day for stuff.
My 12 chickens free range all day every day in the summer (we let them out at day break and they go back in at sunset) The only time they ever eat their food is when they are in their coop during those times. Otherwise they are out eating bugs and grass (BEST eggs EVER I have to add, come from those types of chickens!) so we have had to buy just ONE 50 lb bag of feed so far this summer and that is not even gone yet LOL So not much in the summer but in the winter they go through a 50 lb bag in two weeks for 12 of them. Then you have pine shavings every other week a bag of that which runs us about 4.50 a bag. Not much really. We put all the money into our coops and run areas before we got the chickens. That's where the big prices are. If you can find recycled products your all set
Good luck..OH BY THE WAY did anyone mention to you that you WILL want MORE chickens? LOL MWAHAHAHAHA They are VERY addicting, just warning you
My coop cost me 85 dollars and I buy 1 bag grower 7 dollars and one bag lsyer 9 dollars a month. I also buy bag shavings which is 4.75 a bag. So other than coop I spend around 20.75 for 8 birds but they free range all day.
I worked it out the other day. I am at about $3.50 PER egg right now.
I got the chickens in March and have gotten about 400 eggs out of the 19 hens since they started laying in the middle of July. But, it has been worth every penny.

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