How much do chickens cost per year?

Don't ask me----I spend between 10-20$ a week on just crickets.... My chickens are worth every penny. I love watching them and taking care of them.... And then the eggs are just wonderful... My children, their spouses and our grands have said the eggs are the best thing they have ever eaten...It's is so amazing at the difference in taste, texture of our eggs and those things they sell at the groc. store.
I haven't had mine for very long so I am not sure if I should chime in but I only have about $200 invested in mine so far and I started in April. My girls free range a lot so they eat a lot of bugs and the only things I have bought for their coop is a tarp, a couple bags of shavings, and some mesh to put around it. Everything else is recycled materials from around our yard (it helps that my husband owns a construction company though). I have to admit though that I would have quite a bit less if all of my original chickens had survived. I lost 4 to something (I think a racoon) before I figured out what was going on so I recently bought 6 more chicks (after fixing the problem) so that bumped up my costs quite a bit. It really is all about your resources and what things are available to you though.

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