how much is "chicken sitting" worth?


10 Years
Jan 27, 2009
middle Tennessee
I'm going out of town for Christmas and since none of my friends in the past have proved reliable, I decided to find some trust worthy young person through the co-op and pay them to come once a day. Trouble is I can't decide how much to pay! It will be 8 days. I was kind of thinking $40 ish- is that cheap of me? What do you guys think?

Thank you!
What would you be expecting them to do?
-clean the coop
-feed them
-give them fresh water
-hold them
Totally depends what that job will entail, and also how far they will have to drive/walk/ride to go to your place, etc., etc.

I'm afraid you'd have to be more specific if you want us to be specific...
When I am going out of town for a week or so I only expect the people taking care of the girls to do two things. Feed them and water them. The rest I do before hand. Most of the time I am able to find somone that will do it just for the eggs.
It all depends on much you will have them do. When I was looking for a "chicken sitter", I had someone come out to my house and I explained to her what all she would have to do and she quoted me a price of $75.00 a day.
Well, let's just say I didn't call her back for a repeat visit.
I would not ask someone to clean the coop or socialize the chickens, etc. It IS the holidays and if I was sitting, I would charge for my time for these things because that's time I'm not spending with my family or relaxing the way I choose to.

Feeding/watering/collecting once a day is probably worth the value in eggs (depending on your layers). Coming twice a day to let them out into the run & lock up, probably financial compensation is in order.

My friend and I are having someone sit for our cats & chickens over the extended Xmas weekend. We are offering $5 per day for him to come feed, water and scoop cat boxes. This basically covers his gas expense. We're graduate students so we give what we can, but he understands it is not a financial compensation.
I have a pretty great situation. The woman who was my chicken mentor also happens to be a neighbour AND an ornithologist. She charges $10 for a half hour chicken visit, or $25/day to stay at the house and look after all our animals. I have a very sweet deal.

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