How much land do you own/how many chickens?

I live on over 2 acres with only about half an acre fence in around the house for our dogs and chickens. We have nine in our flock; 8 hens and 1 rooster. No problems yet. As for the smell, as long as you keep your coop clean there will be no over powering smell.
Thank you all : ) I feel sooo much better, I am NOT the crazy chicken lady lol, IM just crazy about my chickens : )
I'm not good on measurements so I'm not sure what size my city lot is. I too have a daycare/preschool and have the playhouse coop that houses 5 chickens. They do have a long run along the fence. My parents and kids just love it! Here in the bay area where everything is focused on being "green", organic and local, the chickens have been great for my business!
I do keep it clean so I don't have a smell problem. Though I can have 6 per the city, five was a good number for me.

live on about 0.2 acres in the city and have 8 young birds. have a contract on 0.75 acres and a house out in the county. not sure if i'll get more birds or not once we move there.
We live in a small town, outside a larger city. We have a big lot compared to most people in our region, I think we are about 3/4 of an acre. We have neighbours all around who have about the same size lots.
We currently have 2 Red Sex-link hens and hoping to expand to 4 hens this spring. We found out after we got the chickens that our town doesn't allow them but they aren't hurting anyone, they are quiet and the neighbours around us who know about them think it's pretty neat to have them.

Now they are our pets, our 2 boys love them as much as they love our dog.
Some days I think I'm turning into a crazy chicken lady!
I am a RENTER, living in the "back" house of two on an acre lot. My land-lady lives in the front house. She keeps three Barbados sheep as pets. They have free run of everywhere on the property except my fenced back yard. (I wanted to grow some flowers. Then I wanted to put in a fish pond - put in two of 'em. Then I wanted to do some raised garden beds for veggies. So her sheep no longer have access to my back yard.)

Then I decided I would like to keep chickens.... she approved it. I worried about the "accidental rooster" and she was pleased, because she believes fertilized eggs are healthier for me.

I now have 3 coops, 9 adult chickens, six adolescent pullets, two Cayuga ducks, and just picked up two more chicks. All of this in my back yard - WITH the fish ponds, and four raised garden beds. I so want to expand into another section of the acre that the sheep simply use for grazing... and only half of it, at that.

The sheep wander from her back yard past the front of my house to the nearly third of an acre "back forty."

Oh, and I have 2 small dogs and 4 cats.

My land-lady would approve of free range chickens, but we both know one of my dogs is a chicken killer. He's nearly 12. Some day I'm gonna lock him in the house to "test" some free ranging... maybe when I'm on vacation later this year and they're all integrated together (adults, current adolescents and chicks).

When he crosses the Rainbow Bridge, then I will definitely start letting the chickens free range. I love him dearly, and don't want that to happen soon, but I sure do wish he hadn't turned out to be a chicken killer.
1.488 acres and 20ish chickens...I quit counting
Also have 2 turkeys, 3 goats, too many rabbits, and 8ish ducks..some are still hatching
We sell a lot of our animals so that is subject to change at any given time. We get too many and we downsize, then grow out some more to downsize again later. In my chicken book it says 200 chickens per acre "confined" whatever that means my chickens don't know confinement I figure as long as I don't get up to that many I'm good to go.

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