How much land do you own/how many chickens?

We have 10 acres. About one acre of it is a woodlot, 1/2 an acre belongs with the rental house and about 1/2 acre fenced around my own house and chickens. I currently have 5 adult chickens, 3 two week old chicks, and 10 eggs in the bator.
I'm working on building another coop & run so I can house more chickens. I live in the middle of nowhere with no limits on number of chickens I can have. This lot used to have 4 large commercial chicken barns on it about 40 years ago. I'll be utilizing one of the concrete pads and watering systems that are still here for my next chickens.
That is so true. Our roosters crow once every 5 min or so if they are really feeling their wheaties... But some dogs will bark all day and night~!~~~
We have 80 acres and the closest neighbour is 1/4 mile away although he doesn't care how many we have as he is halfers with us on the chickens, we house them and split the costs for half the rewards!! We have the 50 eaters (so they won't last long) and are soon getting 10 RIR and 10 Buff O's. They will be free ranging with the horses!!
3 acres
and no chickens
Well we may be kinda the odd balls, but we have 17 acres and 4 chickens, and two ducks........and 8 meat chickens........and more coming as soon as I finish the coop:D
We have a little over 3 acres, mostly wooded, except for where the house and yard are. We live right on a creek. We have 30 chickens and 10 ducks. We have 15 of the chickens out in their coops right now, while the others are either in a dog cage (the bantams) or in the brooder yet. The ducks have a dog kennel for a house under our side porch and a fenced in area with their swimming pool. The girls get to free range in the yard a couple hours before dark, so that they don't wander too far and get into the neighbors yard. (I don't think he would mind, but he is VERY meticulous about his lawn).

Oh, and we also have 3 boer goats who live in the back treed area.

AND, 12 broiler chicks, but they won't be staying long, so they don't count, right. Isn't that how chicken math works?

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