how much space per chicken

One thing you can do about light is to put in a regular sized window and then put the dividing "floor" halfway up that window. That way both levels get a window.

I ended up not doing any of that becuase my coop, 4x8, was more than big enough for my 15 chickens. As I said previously, they don't do much in the coop except roost, so the only difference between a bigger coop and a smaller coop is how often you have to clean and how much it would cost you to heat it if you wanted to do that. As long as you have enough roost space and next boxes (And you can always add more of either), your coop is big enough. Unless your birds actually live in the coop all the time, which is kinda nuts. However, my chickens refuse to come out of the coop right now, because it is 15F outside right now and everything is covered in snow, but all they do is hover near the open door and look outside, so it's still enough space.

Honestly, all this talk of 4-5sq feet per chicken is mind boggling. Chickens want to be outside (unless it's insanely cold, lol!), not in a coop. All they need is a safe place to roost and lay eggs.
Honestly, all this talk of 4-5sq feet per chicken is mind boggling. Chickens want to be outside (unless it's insanely cold, lol!), not in a coop. All they need is a safe place to roost and lay eggs.

Yeah, but lots of people have BACKYARD flocks, restrictions by the city. Not safe to let the birds run around if they aren't home.

Their birds might HAVE to be in the coop all day long. Given the current hours of sunrise and sunset, those birds may NEVER get outside other than on the weekends. In that case 4-5 sq ft per bird isn't mind boggling at all.

Honestly, all this talk of 4-5sq feet per chicken is mind boggling. Chickens want to be outside (unless it's insanely cold, lol!), not in a coop. All they need is a safe place to roost and lay eggs.

Yeah, but lots of people have BACKYARD flocks, restrictions by the city. Not safe to let the birds run around if they aren't home.

Their birds might HAVE to be in the coop all day long. Given the current hours of sunrise and sunset, those birds may NEVER get outside other than on the weekends. In that case 4-5 sq ft per bird isn't mind boggling at all.


Why wouldn't it be safe to allow your chickens to range a backyard alone during the day? I have a backyard flock of 12 and I'm NEVER outside with them. They can go outside from sunup to sundown without me; we've never had a problem. He's right. Chickens SHOULD be outside and people who can't allow chickens outside shouldn't keep them, they're animals!
...and assuming it isn't safe for some reason, why wouldn't you build those chickens an enclosed run?
...and assuming it isn't safe for some reason, why wouldn't you build those chickens an enclosed run?

If one cannot allow chickens a safe place to live outdoors during the day, one should not have chickens. They are NOT indoor animals, especially lots of them in a small coop. I agree with your deductions regarding coops though; I also have only a 35sf coop and I keep a dozen chickens easily in there since they only roost and lay eggs there. They also have a fully enclosed and predator proof run with 10sf per bird, but they're almost never in there. They live their days in the half acre backyard and are happy as can be!
Yeah, mine free range during the day as well. I have a border collie that runs around with them. They all pick on him. :)
Why wouldn't it be safe to allow your chickens to range a backyard alone during the day?

Because not everyone has a predator (including, and maybe especially, neighbors' dogs) proof yard. For instance, some places have ordinances against fences higher than 4'.
Should the neighbors' dogs be loose? No.
Might they be? Yes.

And then there is the possibility of aerial predators.

And how big a run you can build will similarly be set by zoning and the size of your yard. Not everyone is on many acres or an acre, or a half acre, or a quarter acre or ... but they might want a few chickens.

So then build the biggest run you can! Chickens always want to be outside. Yesterday mine braved the snow for the first time and now I can't keep them in the coop.
Quote: As a newbie about to order my first chicks, I appreciate your straight-to-the-point advice. I want to know as much as I can absorb before I finalize the plans for a coop and run and the number of chickens I will be able to house.
Thank you.
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Right now I have an 18x20 ft coop with 10 chickens that free range over 4 acres all day...they all seem very happy, and spend a good bit of each day in the coop of their own free will...they just don't want to be outside all the time. They like to scratch all around the coop...I guess with the vegetation we have the chickens can't put a dent in is pretty woodsy and overgrown...there are a lot of cover type vines nearest the coop that I see the chickens picking at when they are out...but they won't ever be able to decimate that stuff. Not to mention the bank that the ramp lets them out on is literally just left to nature. We don't mow or trim up that space at 10 chickens can't put a dent on 4 acres...mind you they haven't even used an acre of space so far...they don't go any farther than maybe---maybe 100 ft from the coop...I am planning on adding 30 or so more layers to the existing coop, and then building a smaller coop to house another 15-20. Same scenario, they can stay in the coop, or go outside everyday...I open it in rain, snow, whatever...they will choose to go out or not. We will have to get some poultry netting as I know that 30 birds will wander farther than 10 we are going to put some netting along the road, so the chickens don't attempt to cross the road.

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