How much space to give to my newly released into coop birds? 8 weeks old.


5 Years
Mar 26, 2014
West Michigan
My Coop
My Coop
Hello! My birds are between 8 - 10 weeks old now, fully feathered and ready to be released into their attached outdoor run. My question is: How much space to do I allow them to roam into?

My run is a rectangle fully wired space of 20 feet long by 8 feet wide. My birds are still small and not a heavy breed. I am wondering if I release them into the whole entire 20 feet, will they get lost and will they be able to find their way back into the coop to roost? I don't want birds getting lost in the coop, confused and staying out all night long.

Should I reduce their space to a smaller space and increase it as they grow?

Thanks for the help BYC!!!!
I would keep them in the coop for about 3 days so they'll know where it's safe to sleep and then give them the whole pen. They won't have any trouble finding their way back.
My chicks are 4 weeks old and we let them out in run 5 days ago and all but 5 went back in house at dusk and I caught the other 5 and put them in house took them 3 nights and now all go in around dark I'm excited !
So.......y'all say it's going to be just okay. Great! I did take a small portion, while you folks were posting I was getting the run ready, and portion it out for my ducks and I think the rest will be just fine to let them take over. They are going to be so EXCITED! It's like they already know I'm letting out today. It's 85 degree's here and they are ready!

Peep from the New Hampshire.

Black sex-link and my Appenzeller's butt,

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