How much to feed?

Kickin' Chickin'

9 Years
Nov 8, 2010
Upstate New York
I have 6 babies that are about 3 1/2 to 4 wks old and it seems as though they are always starving. They trample each other and will attack any thing(including my hand) when it comes into the box. Is this normal? Also could someone please tell me how much I should be feeding them?
They should be eating as much chick starter food as they can! Just don't ever let their food dish get empty and they'll be good.
I give my babies food throughout the day
They eat ALOT and it is normal for them to trample each other for food
Mine do it alll the time! Just keep fresh water in all time!
Kickin' Chickin' :

I have 6 babies that are about 3 1/2 to 4 wks old and it seems as though they are always starving. They trample each other and will attack any thing(including my hand) when it comes into the box. Is this normal? Also could someone please tell me how much I should be feeding them?

can you imagin what a chick is going threw at this age with grow feathers and muscle the protien it takes to do all that they almost need to eat 24/7 at that age get a mason gar feeder and get the largest mason gar that will fit on it and keep it full​
I follow my great grandma's advice... feed a growing baby as much as it will eat! Within reason of course, I measure puppy food and offer snacks through out the day. But with baby chicks, I keep the feeder topped off 24/7 and the same for my grown flock, topped off at all times in spill proof containers to keep waste down. Chicks are growing fast, and need high protein for all those feathers coming in. You never want to limit chick feed, or choose a cheap feed without all the minerals and protein levels they need.

Clean water 24/7 is a must as well, never let it get empty or filled with shavings/bedding from them scratching around.
By the way, they will act like they are starving whenever you fill the feeder, spill a little, offer a treat, etc. even after they have feed available 24/7 (which they need.)

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