How much to sell quail chicks for?

Where did they sell the chicks? A farm, a pet shop, a wet market or ....

If I was to sell quail chicks, it would probably $3.00 / chick and increase it by $2.50 / week .....
Depends a lot on where you live and the quality of your stock and your advertising. I sell day olds for $5/each and dont have a problem clearing them out. i have a nicer ad than my competitors, cleaner cages and fully feathered birds which goes a long way with new keepers.
Depends a lot on where you live and the quality of your stock and your advertising. I sell day olds for $5/each and dont have a problem clearing them out. i have a nicer ad than my competitors, cleaner cages and fully feathered birds which goes a long way with new keepers.
Sorry I believe I misunderstood your response. You said you sell "Day olds" But also "fully feathered". By that are you meaning in the pictures the birds are fully feathered which is attractive to the customers?
Not just pictures on the ad. When people come to your place and see your birds they should be fully feathered. No stripped backs or heads. It goes a long way with people that are new to quail. if you have breeders that ruin or pick feathers just shuffle them around to cages customers wont see. Trying to explain stripped or messy feathers to customers whove never raised quail is about as productive as peeing in the wind. especially if theyre sensitive types.

Eta: for a good example what not to do look at for coturnix quail and one of the only ads youll see with pictures has a hen missing the tip on one toe (usually when you see that rats or raccoons chewed it off throught the wire) and visible feces all over her feet. Thats not going to sell a lot of birds at a premium.
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