How often do Campbells Lay?


Mar 1, 2023
Hi all!
Seems everyday I have a new question about my ladies. My Campbell, Tina is recovered from her “sprained ankle” and is no longer limping Yay! but I’m curious to how many eggs Campbells lay a day?

My Cayuga lays an egg every 3 days or so, and both my Campbells having been laying every day. One I think is laying 2x a day.

Today, one of them laid another egg this evening (would be egg 2 for one of them or egg 3 for the other depends who it was). All we for found was pile of yolk, albumin, and membrane. No shell remnants so I can’t compare bloom patterns. I’m really hoping they all went to chow town and ate the shell and it wasn’t laid soft-shelled. All of their eggs have had a good shell so far including the ones from this AM.

No one’s acting egg bound behaviorally. They have free range oyster shell (which they don’t touch a lot of), they’re on a 3% calcium/18% protein feed mix. They get black soldier fly larvae at night and some peas midday as treats.

I’m just worried if my Campbells are consistently laying 2x a day they’ll deplete their calcium levels, and I’m not sure how to boost them besides calcium gluconate over treats if necessary (which I’m unsure as eggs were good this morning besides the evening omlet they made tonight). I don’t want to over-do it on calcium as that can be bad too.

Note: this is their first laying season they’re only 6 1/2 months old.
My best Khakis laid an egg a day with only occasional breaks for the first two years. Once in a while I got two eggs. One of my girls did start to get thin shells but it was a gradual process. A change in feed fixed it.
keep a dish of crushed or flaked oyster shell near their food. They will have free choice to take as much as they want. They're pretty smart that way like they know what their body needs.
My KCs laid an egg, sometimes two, basically every day, year round, until they got to be 4 1/2- 5 yrs old

We rarely missed a day
Our Welsh Harlequins were very similar in egg quantity, with slightly larger eggs.

If your hen is eating and acting normal, I wouldn’t worry about the odd egg.

If it becomes a consistent problem- and not the odd occasional issue- I might “worry” then.
Keep an eye on her, and add the oyster shell as @Jenbirdee suggested.
I’m sure she’s fine 😊
keep a dish of crushed or flaked oyster shell near their food. They will have free choice to take as much as they want. They're pretty smart that way like they know what their body needs.
They do have a disk of oyster shell and a second dish of grit near their food at all times
Hi all,
We found another pile of yolk and membrane this evening. Our Campbell Louise was also sitting in the house all alone which is very unlike her so I believe she’s been laying these - she’s also who I believe is/was laying 2x a day for the last week and half. I checked her vent and it seems moist and clear externally. She’s just not acting her normal social self tonight.

Within the last few days the dish of oyster shell has been almost emptied 2x - I have replenished and also added some crushed eggshells. So someone if not all of them have been feeling like they need some calcium.

Their feed mix is about 3% calcium but they’ve been eating their full days ration by noon lately. I might mix in more layer pellets to bump up the calcium content once they arrive from my online order.

I gave Louise 1 mL of calcium gluconate over a treat tonight and will continue until I see her eggs again / we have no more omlette piles laid and her behavior normalizes.

I’m think to also gonna increase their food ration from 1.2lbs/day (0.4lbs/bird) to 1.8 for a few days as well until I can’t add more layer pellets to the mix, as well as electrolyte water to reduce any stress.

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