How often do you visit your chickens?

Well. I am one week post op on right foot surgery and saw them for the first time in a week yesterday. It is such an effort to get out the door and walk across the yard on crutches. Now on any other normal week, I am out there three or four times a day, tossing them a treat or two, and reinforcing my supreme goddess of the treats title.
I have lots of "chicken benches" around my property, and I'm always visiting with them, taking them treats, walking around the property (they follow me like puppy, etc. I don't work summers. So like you, I have lots of time to do that. I think "pet" chickens are probably given far more attention than chickens that are kept for utility.
I get in an hour in the morning when I let them out to free range, drink my coffee and enjoy the antics everyday is something new. I put them up about 1030 am with treats to do their egg business. I visit throughout the day now because of the heat here, then let them out about 430 pm to free range again and I sit with them with an adult beverage and enjoy the company it has become a family time to sit around the coop, wife, son, grandaughter.
enjoy your day folk's
100 times a day at least!
. I spend a lot of time with my girls. It will be even more, mow that dh built me a door on the run, so my girls can free range! I will take my iPod touch out there and sit with them and I clean the coop every time I visit also if it needs it.
I spend the majority of the day working in the yard and garden so I pretty much spend my whole day with my chickens
When they were chicks in the brooder I would go in at least 4 times a day and spend an hour or two holding them (yes, I have no life!) and I think that is why they are so friendly now!
Well the number is subjective to say the least. On average 4/6 times a day,that being said I go down to the garden 2 times,1 in the morn to water and 1 other time to harvest,prune and bug and critter check.Did I mention the garden is down by the coop/run? Take the dog out a couple-three times to let him do his thing,he likes going down to where the chickens hang out. Walk down to get the mail. Got a feeling that the number is climbing. That darn rooster wont stop crowing,better go down and see what his problem is. I am going to forego a number and just use ALOT.
Yeay! I'm not the only one! I visit my girls every chance I get.

Although lately I really enjoy watching them from a distance while they dust-bathe and bug hunt and interact with each other. Very entertaining.
Pretty much only for letting them out/putting them up since I work full time, though on weekends I might throw in another trip or two. Oh, and a little more often right now because of the peeps.

When I first got them, I checked on them all the time. At some point mine decided that if I was checking on them, they were going to check on me, so now if I go in, we all stand and stare at either other. It's like an extremely uncomfortable cocktail party. So I get out of their way and let them go on with being chickens.

Or plotting world domination. Whichever it might be.
Whenever I get the chance to...making sure Woodstock hasn't taken the scout troop too far into the nasty neighbour's field. Or that Limpy's gang are a reasonable distance into the nice neighbour's field. Or checking the young roos aren't punching above their weights. Any excuse'll do...

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