How old?


11 Years
Jul 7, 2008
Santa Fe, New Mexico
I think that this is in the right section, but Im not sure. Im just wondering how old my three new little chicks should be before they are introduced to the six big girls. Any input is appreciated,
I put my new chicks in a divided pen next to the older chickens so that they could see each other. When they get closer to the same size I will take out the divider fence. That way if they do peck on them they will be better to take it, if they are closer in size.
I agree with GaDawg. I would wait until they are bigger. The others can kill them. I don't know how old your hens are but I didn't integrate mine until the pullets were about 4 months old. I had actually introduced them earlier and the hens really went after the pullets and I thought the hens might really hurt them. At The first time I let them all out in the yard together was when the pullets were about 12 weeks old and the hens were about 1 1/2 yrs old. I put lots of scratch grains and seeds out for them. It didn't go to well. The hens chased and picked on the pullets terrible. A couple of the hen in particular would jump right on the back of the pullet and peck pretty severely and pull feathers out, so I separated them. They had been in different coops and adjacent runs for over a month prior to the first time I tried to put them together to range. Prior to putting the pullets in a coop, they were in a chicken tractor which was next to the hen's run and yard since they were chicks. I know some integrations go more smoothly than others and however it goes, there will still be an establishment of their pecking order.
I've been putting my 7-week-old chicks in the cool overnight in a cat carrier, and keeping the youngsters away from the adults, but within sight, during the day. It's still all-out war any time the adults can get at the youngsters. Even the stupid banty is pulling out their feathers.

So, even though they're sleeping in the same coop, they will be kept separate for at least another month, at which point we have to integrate them because we've got a brooder with 5 babies in it...

DBF keeps telling the adults, "Ladies, Curry (a buff orp) is going to be WAY bigger than you someday... be nice now or she's going to kick your butts!"
Thank you, Do you you think that it would work if when all the chicks are completely feathered and pretty big, to put them in a smaller wire cage within the large coop's yard? Thanks for all the responses,

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