How poisonous are tomato vines - WAS - Garden leavings...


15 Years
Feb 3, 2008
My neighbor was venting about how she was sick of her garden and couldn't wait for it to be done. I generously offered to take any vegetable plants she wanted to get rid of for the chickens.

Well, I got a box of cherry tomato vines with tomatoes anywhere from green to red mush on it.

I tossed it into the coop this evening - we are supposed to have a rip roaring storm tonight and tomorrow so I figure this will give them something to do since they probably won't want to be out.

Anyone know if they can OD on tomatoes?

She also gave me a small (but still desert plate sized) head full of seeds from her sunflowers. I will toss that in tomorrow as well. Should keep them busy for a while!
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Well, wouldn't that be annoying.

I found nothing on the treats chart about tomato plants. But I did find this buried in one of the links:

TOMATO (Lycospersicon evculentum); vines. suckers: gastrointestinal tract affected by solanine glycoalkaloids.

I have no idea what this means. Does it mean one bite and they keep over dead? Or is it a eat tomato vines for a year and you will start having problems?

I'll head out later and just pluck all the tomatoes off and toss the vines into the compost, I guess.

Anyone know if green tomotoes are ok for them?
My chickens go out and eat the green tomatoes right off the vine if they can get them, they have not gotten sick. They do leave the vines alone though. and if you give them a ripe one, oh goodness, it is just hilarious to watch them fight over it.
Mine will reach though the fence surrounding the garden and nibble leaves, tomatoes, and unripe ones. They seem fine so far for the 10 years or so they've been doing it.
I accidentally snapped off a tomato vine a few weeks ago and give it to the chickens. They ate the green tomatoes and leaves off it, then nibbled on the vine. They're all fine...didn't know I wasn't supposed to do that.
Mine have eatin off the plants all summer but not much at a time. I just wouldn't give them a bunch of the stems and leaves. I think they are not good for dogs too.
Yeah, that is what I was worried about. They will most likely end up locked in the coop all day tomorrow with nothing to do but eat these vines. It probably wouldn't be a problem if they just wandered past the plant and had a mouthful every once in a while.

I just went out and picked all the tomatoes off and tossed the vines into the woods. I also left them the giant overgrown cucumber that I will never eat and the sunflower head full of seeds. I think they've got enough to keep them busy.
my chickens will go out and eat the fruit off the tomato plant but they never eat the leaves or stems i guess they are smarter then that and actually the leaves and stems are also poisonous to humans as well as they are in the night shade family
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Yesterday afternoon, before I read this post, I gave my pullets a young tomato plant and they attacked it with gusto. Ate it all in about 3 minutes. About an hour later, I read this post and though, great, I killed my chickens. But as of this morning they are doing just fine. Can I assume they will be ok at this point?

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