How rare are double-yolked eggs?

TM Chickens

11 Years
Mar 3, 2008
I was reading an article in Countryside magazine in which the writer was claiming that he always bought an Egg Layer Special Mix or something like that from Murry McMurray hatchery and that they would lay double yolkers 80% of the time, and tipple-yolked eggs were common. Is this true? I think the man was exaggerating but my father insists that it's true.
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I got layers from Murray and I had one white chicken (don't know what type) that laid a double yoker EVERY TIME! So amazing - until a hawk got her... Freeranging right in FRONT of me. Anyway, if anyone knows of a consistent double yoker type of chicken I would love to try again!
Pullets lay double yolkers pretty often, but outgrow it as their system gets tuned up. The double yolks are a glitch in the system and not very common after the first month or two of laying.
out of my five laying hens in my laying hen breeding project I get 4-5 eggs everyday, with two double yolkers just about every day; they are the size of a goose egg.
How many they lay may hold true only for a short amount of time. I had a hen that laid only double yolk eggs for her first year of laying. A double yolk nearly every day for months. Last fall they dropped off sharply and I haven't seen one since even though I still get eggs from her as frequently as anyone else at this time of year.
Out of my seven hens, I got my first one, in almost 3 months...I thought that it must be a start up thing....Here's a picture of it. It was a monster.

Yes common, especially with pullets just beginning to lay. What is rare is to hatch a double yolker. I have only heard of one person who hatched a double yolk egg.

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