How the eggs have changed!


8 Years
Apr 2, 2011
My black copper maran's egg has changed over the last few months. She laid her first egg sometime in late September, then stopped for a while since she's been sick. She started laying again a week ago and the eggs look so different! I know the color usually fades over the cycle, but this is an actual change of hue.
Has anyone else experienced this? If so, post your pictures!
Here's a comparison of her first egg, and her latest egg:
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Hmmm...I would seriously question if those two eggs came from the same bird.
Egg on left looks like it might be a blue base shell.
What was bird sick with?
Hmmm...I would seriously question if those two eggs came from the same bird.
Egg on left looks like it might be a blue base shell.
What was bird sick with?
Me too, but seems like there's no other way. She has had a bad case of mycoplasma. We just took her to the vet today to have the big abscess on her face drained, because it hasn't gone away in months with multiple antibiotics.
I'm betting they are from 2 different birds. The egg on the right looks like a Welsummer egg.
I had thought so too for a while, until I witnessed a similar egg come from the maran a week or so later. The welsummer wasn't laying yet, and I'm pretty sure her first egg was laid a few weeks ago, because often they lay in random places when it's the first time, and it was on the ground. She was the only one near laying age at that point, and the rest were already laying or far too young.

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