How to Break a Broody Hen

This broodiness is hard. We are on day 4 , taking her out of the cage most all day. She runs back and forth making the sounds with her feathers up. At night I put her in with the rest of the girls and she is in the box. I have a wire cage with a wooden bottom, I put her in to rest during the day. I feel for her. She eats very little. We will continue the process. I hope we can last the 20 days.
My Black Rock started to go broody yesterday, I noticed she had been in the nest box for a couple of hours and found her sitting on her egg and one of my other chooks eggs. I shooed her out of the box quite easily yesterday but today she puffed up and started to growl. I put her outside again with the others and she started to shout at me which is unusual for her because she is not a chatty chicken but a few grapes soon made her forget all about the nest box and she has spent the day happily with the other ladies scratching around so fingers crossed she will be easy to break.
My Partridge Rock has been broody for 5 weeks. For 5 weeks we've persevered with removing her from her nest box several times a day. I closed the door one day & found her sitting underneath it! This just hasn't worked so I've now borrowed a dog crate to give it a go. I'll chicken wire the base to save her feet falling through & will put it on blocks for circulation. Should I replace her into the hen house overnight or leave her in the crate all night? I'm worried it might be a bit too cold overnight without any bedding in there., and a temptation for Mr Fox.
Thank you for the advice! I started with this one hen and one rooster and she has never formed an attachment to the other hens that I brought in. Thinking she may be harder to break because she is a loner. I will try this if she is still wanting to sit in a day or 2. Again, Thank you!
Finally after nearly 3 months they're back to normal! 3 days in the cat carrier filled 2" with water, In the secure run at night. locked out of the coup another 3 days.
If you can't get the eggs until after a broody hen has kept them "warm" for over half a day are the eggs ok to eat. I worry about the extra heat of the eggs when I can't get them until the afternoon.
I wouldn't worry about the eggs even if they are under a chicken all day. Even if they are fertile, they won't develop that fast. If they aren't fertile, I'm sure even a few days would be OK though I'd put them on the top of the "eat first" list. Unwashed eggs will last weeks at room temperature whether they are fertile or not. Bruce

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