How to decide which breed to choose?

I didnt even think of that! Thank you, when I decide which breed, I will look for breeders instead.
I watched a video last night and it had a bantam Brahma chicken, too cute! Now Im back to 5 breeds
This is gonna be unhelpful to you narrowing down again, favorite hen is a light brahma. She's a sweetheart. Climbs in my lap to be petted.
It varies so much within a breed too, I have two buff orpingtons and one runs to me and stretches up as tall as she can get until I pick her up and snuggle her. The other is happier to do her own thing and if I sit out on the lawn then she comes up but just wants to sit on my knee.

I think your best bet would be to not only go to a breeders and definitely meet the parents to judge the personalities and how they interact with people, but to visit when they have young chicks you can choose from so you can asses individual personalities. Example would be which ones run from hands, curious or dominant ones etc. To some extent you can shape a personality by giving treats and handling gently and often, but sometimes a certain chicken just isn't fond of snuggling or being around you as much as another one is. If it is going to live inside with you, I would set yourself up for success as much as you possibly can.

Maybe attend a poultry show in your area to meet breeders or do some digging on here?
Thank you everyone! Ive been looking everywhere for someone close to me that have what Im looking for. Ill just have to wait until the breeds are 'in season' again. I know Strombergs has bantam Faverolles but theyre out of season :( Most people keep a closed flock, so I doubt I can visit the parent birds.
The other thing you're going to run up against when getting bantams is that nobody, with the exception of mypetchicken, sells sexed bantams, so I foresee roosters in your future. You'll have to be able to find a home for them, as I doubt you'll want a crowing bird in your apartment, so picking a popular breed that people might want a rooster of is another consideration you might want to include. If you do settle on d'uccles, mypetchicken sells them sexed, but it's really hard to sex bantams, so you may get a rooster anyway.
Thank you. I didnt know anyone sold sexed bantams. I figured with faverolles, you can tell the sexes apart before the roos start to crow. My plan was to start advertising before the chicks arrive or before they hatch if I hatch eggs, that way I can have a few people I can plan to give my roos to. My biggest fear is falling in love with a roo. I dont mind crowing, I love the sound, but my neighbors would probably hate me lol.

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