How to deter feral cats?

The difference between pets and pests is only on which side of the fence they're standing... keep your animals in your own property.

Fair enough, just keep in mind if that cat leaves your property with your lead in it and is collected by the owner
you could be in deep $hi-do-do
. You'll get your name in the paper. Also .22 rounds have a tendancy to not stop at the fence or property line so this form of eradication is for experts. Same with the pellet gun. Traps need to checked hourly and disabled when you are not home.
What to do with a trapped cat? Relocation is not ethical as you are giving your problem to somone else. The method of removal should be decided before the the trap is set, as cats are easy to trap....once. Some people with rodent problems will welcome another barn cat
. They simply become a burden on the county or other animal shelter and will most likley be euthanized a tax payers expense
Use good judgement and try not to hurt somones beloved pet but look out for your own as well

CB CAP IN A MK II ruger works well and does not exit the pest ,quiet too. Traps in side my fence are checked in the morning and said pests are disposed of frequently by sanitation works they are double bagged and the bags are goosenecked with ducktape twice
Thank you for all the support! I'm leaning toward animal control; found out it's actually illegal to feed feral cats in NH. Feral cats are also the #1 cause for the sharp decline in purple finches over recent years. Problem is, my community is in a network of private roads and AC says they can't take jurisdiction here. Next is a visit to our town hall to find out actual facts.

If need be, have no qualms about taking the cats right out; their skulking about can't be very reassuring to our girls. We have enough natural predators to protect against without worrying about a manmade problem! Will trap and take in for euthanasia if possible; if not will consider another method.

This is probably just exposing my ignorance, but what does SSS stand for? It's a method for dealing with cats?

Again, thanks for all the input.

-Dave- "Pullet Surprise Winner"
Don't you love "animal lovers" who actually perpetuate and exacerbate a problem instead of help eliminate it? Nice alliteration, huh?

I would contact your local SPCA. Most of them have a loan program for traps and they will spay or neuter the cats for free too. I would also speak with animal control, they might have a talk with this clown.
Where is the alliteration? I don't "see" it....must be getting tired.

shoot, shovel, and shutup
I had to look up alliteration to figure it out

Oh...THAT alliteration!
I was looking at the previous sentence and there was no actual alliteration there. Best go milk the gals and then hit the rack!
Where is the alliteration? I don't "see" it....must be getting tired.

shoot, shovel, and shutup
I had to look up aliteration to figure it out

actually I think it's more... perpetuate and exacerbate a problem instead of help eliminate it?
shoot, shovel, and shutup
I had to look up aliteration to figure it out

actually I think it's more... perpetuate and exacerbate a problem instead of help eliminate it?

I think you're right, that one was a little harder to recognize.
If you live where you can use firearms 12ga with a load of #5's or larger is hard on kitty cat. Turkey loads will pound a cat. Plus you do not have to worry about over shooting your property. And the bonus is you do not have to be a good shot to tag one.

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