How to deworm a flock of chickens?

I would like deworm my flock of twenty chickens, but I don't want to have to do each chicken individually. I read that I could use Safeguard in their water, but I need to know the withdrawal time, if there is one.
I add 3 milliliters per gallon of water and leave in the coop for 24 hours. Have that as their only source of water. Repeat the process in 9 days.
Like I said above, we've had chickens for 15 years and never needed to do this, but when we started having goats with huge worm loads I decided I should probably deworm the chickens too. What are people's thoughts as far as should I do this on a regular basis or just when needed? If I do it on a regular basis, how often should I do it?
if you want to go a non medicated route may i suggest pumpkin seeds or sprinkling garlic in their food?
That doesn't actually work.
The quantity of garlic a bird will need to consume to be even mildly effective as a anthelmintic would kill the bird as garlic is toxic to animals.
Some pumpkin seeds contain a very mild anthelmintic BUT they contain many Antinutritional properties that harm a chicken.
That doesn't actually work.
The quantity of garlic a bird will need to consume to be even mildly effective as a anthelmintic would kill the bird as garlic is toxic to animals.
Some pumpkin seeds contain a very mild anthelmintic BUT they contain many Antinutritional properties that harm a chicken.
idk i had 1 issue with worms and after giving them garlic power in their food i havent had issues since and my birds are perfectly healthy and happy

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