How to disinfect the run

I am new to the chicken world. My gals have really dug up a good part of my yard and that is where they hang out the most. It is really starting to smell and it is only been the the lower 80's. It is in full sun almost all day. Will the mix that was posted earlier cut the smell down?? How long would you keep them and the rabbits off this dirt??


I have Oxine to use for regular cleaning and disinfecting, but I think if I had your incidence of illness/disease, I'd order their activator and use that as well just to make doubly sure.
Flooding the run and letting it set and then dry out, though no guarantee because as the other posters said, new spores and such blow in by the moment...would be a great place to start.

Regular treatments with the Oxine, per directions on their label would help when the new occupants move in as well.
My run is about 520 sq.feet, all dirt now compared to my post in March of 2008! It does not smell. 2-3 times a year (spring/summer/fall), I sprinkle garden lime all over the run and rake it all in. (Wear a mask) I do it at night after the girls and the boy have been shut in the coop. It's ideal if the forecast says a nighttime rain to wash it through.

Soon, I'll be adding more clean hill sand to the covered portion of the run. It was nice to have that this winter when the rest of the run was frozen ground.

Hope this helps!

Hydrated lime, tilling, a good long rain will go further in sweetening the soil that most anything I know.

The only way to 'sterilize' the soil would be to bake it or super heat it for an extended time which is not easy to do.
Hydrated lime, tilling, a good long rain will go further in sweetening the soil that most anything I know.

The only way to 'sterilize' the soil would be to bake it or super heat it for an extended time which is not easy to do.

I agree with this. I have also simply raked and swept the surface of the run and removed the top couple inches of old soil to remove poop, stones and any debris, then put down a dusting of ordinary "sweet" (not hydrated/slaked) lime to soak up any dampness, then put a 2" replacement layer that's a mixture of firewood ash and coarse sand which I mix, rake and spread evenly. The chooks love to scratch in it and it makes a good dustbath too.

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