How to gather ducklings for cuddles without chasing them??

Mucky Boots

In the Brooder
Dec 11, 2022
Hi people, this is my first post here, so I hope I'm doing it right.

So I have my first batch of six call ducklings which I brought home at the age of 5 days old. (I've raised a single rescued duckling before, but being only one, this didn't apply). I guess this question applies to chickens as well - I've had the same problem when the chickens are just old enough to go out of the brooder and into a small pen.

The thing is I want to handle and cuddle my ducklings as much as possible while they're still little, but to do so I first need to gather them up without freaking them out! I want to give them a positive cuddles experience, but it seems detrimental to have to chase them to do it. I tried luring them all onto a towel and then scooping it up, but I had ducklings pouring out all the gaps! :bow Anyone have any neat tricks to gather up six ducklings without the freak-out?? Or should I just cuddle two or three at a time?

Thanks! :)
You will likely get lots of helpful information about how to cuddle your ducks. I have chickens, ducks and geese; I've raised most since they were a few days old. I am ALWAYS envious of folks whose poultry enjoys cuddling -- mine generally don't.

I follow all the suggestions about not approaching them from above when they are in the brooder, letting them climb on me when -- as babies -- I'm offering treats, speaking in gentle tones and avoiding sudden movements. Doesn't work for me.

However, they do ALL love treats and most will gladly eat from my hand. A few will even perch on my shoulder or head while I am bent down. But cuddles don't happen here. So, even if you can't persuade them to snuggle with you, you and they can still have a good relationship.

Best wishes for success!
Mine don’t enjoy cuddles either. You can make yourself less scary by sitting on the floor and being patient. Let them come to you. Then maybe after they get comfortable and start acting sorta normal try a little treat in your hand. Or, with my ducks after work I’d take clean water out to a gallon water bowl they used as a pool and put fresh water in it and just sat there and waited. They eventually had no issue’s playing while I was around. You just need to let them get used to your presence and taking it slow at their pace is the best way. They are prey so tend to be careful.
I think it would definitely be too hard to hold all those ducklings at once. They're so active, they run all over the place and could jump off you and get hurt. The most I have held is a set of three, and when they were tiny and falling asleep easily, would just kind of cover their backs with my hand lightly until they slept. But if they're active, put a towel on the floor in a contained space and lay down and let them run all around - they will come up and peck on you and might even choose to lay down beside you. As they grow, you can sit by their brooder, and just hold one or two at a time, if they like it. Post a picture of your sweet ducks!
I have 8 ducks. Only one likes cuddles, and she's a special case. She was an only hatch, so she imprinted on me. She's mean as all get-out to everyone else.
It's Cheddar, of course, @Miss Lydia. I've realized she's mean because she doesn't want anyone to be physically between us. Silly, overprotective duckie.

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