How to get 6 mo old D'Uccles to roost at night?


5 Years
Jan 10, 2016
Western PA
Hi everyone!
My 2- 6 months olds are in a separate coop that is perfect size for them. They roost fine out in the run on the different things I have out there, but not in the coop at night. I have even seen them on the coop roost during the day when they were in there out of the rain. They just cuddle with each other in a corner at night.
I use pine shavings & would like to put a poop tray under them to catch their poop at night like I do for my 4 BSLs.
Today, I switched the roost from a bigger diameter branch to a 1x3 (wide part flat). I put them on it & they jumped right off. 3 times. Should I wait til they go to sleep & try again?
My d'uccle prefer a 2x4 with the 2 up for roosting. Is it a smaller coop? Is it drafty or is there anything else that might make them uncomfortable on the roosts. Most 6 months old are roosting, but some could take longer without other birds to show them what to do. It can take them some time to develop the feet strength and balance needed to stay on a roost all night. I haven't had any that didn't eventually roost.
Good info. I know we tried to do a good job of insulating and ventilation. I have seen them roost on several different branches they have, just not at night.
They are super cute all piled up top of each other!
Mine prefer the rafters in my main coop, which are 4" fence posts over 8' up! They want to be highest! a few of my large birds also roost up there, and the rest are on saplings about 4' high. Mary

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