How to get rid of mites??? Please help me!!!!

What you need to do is go to Tractor Supply or another farm/feed/garden store and pick up some Sevin 5% Dust. It's in a red container. Dust the birds with it, either by putting some in old nylons and using the nylons as a powder puff all over their body, or by filling a small bag with Sevin, putting the bird in leaving just its head out, and gently shaking the bag so the dust goes all around the bird. I like the nylon method, lol.

Then, clean out the coop. Clean it well. Use a gentle soap and water. Dust everything with the Sevin (the walls, floor, roosts, literally everything), put bedding in and mix the bedding with Sevin. Wait a week, and do it all over to kill any that might have hatched in the meantime, since Sevin does not kill eggs, just adults.
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If you want to use chemicals use Sevin dust. Or make a good dust bath place for them. Refer to the mixtures in previous posts but basically get some Diatomacious Earth, wood ash and I use peat. Studies have shown the use of wood ash kills the mites and keeps them away. Then you don't have to worry about poisons on your chickens that you eat or their eggs that you eat.

If you treat a symptom you can stop a symptom. But you won't cure the cause of the symptom.

How many birds do you have? How much space do they have? Does their home have lots of crevices? How do you manage your care? Deep litter will provide a number of organisms that make it harder for pests to proliferate as the pests have to compete with other organisms and in the case of mites you can make it so that predatory mites would like to be around. If your chickens are not being fed correctly or other causes of stress that weaken their immune system such as over crowding, not enough water or e xtreme weather can weaken their immune system. An unbalanced diet can cause stress. Maybe it's just a little bit of all of them and that adds together to create the stress that weakens their immune system.

Though it doesn't keep them free of mites it helps to give them about a table spoon per gallon of apple cider vinegar.

I hope any of that helps. If you just use a poison you might be missing something else about your chickens.

edited by staff to remove trolling and flaming
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If you want to use chemicals use Sevin dust. Or make a good dust bath place for them. Refer to the mixtures in previous posts but basically get some Diatomacious Earth, wood ash and I use peat. Studies have shown the use of wood ash kills the mites and keeps them away. Then you don't have to worry about poisons on your chickens that you eat or their eggs that you eat.

If you treat a symptom you can stop a symptom. But you won't cure the cause of the symptom.

How many birds do you have? How much space do they have? Does their home have lots of crevices? How do you manage your care? Deep litter will provide a number of organisms that make it harder for pests to proliferate as the pests have to compete with other organisms and in the case of mites you can make it so that predatory mites would like to be around. If your chickens are not being fed correctly or other causes of stress that weaken their immune system such as over crowding, not enough water or e xtreme weather can weaken their immune system. An unbalanced diet can cause stress. Maybe it's just a little bit of all of them and that adds together to create the stress that weakens their immune system.

Though it doesn't keep them free of mites it helps to give them about a table spoon per gallon of apple cider vinegar.

I hope any of that helps. If you just use a poison you might be missing something else about your chickens.

I'm not trying to start anything here, but I kind of feel like you're sort of attacking me for suggesting Sevin. I understand that you feel you shouldn't use pesticides, or at least that's the feeling I get from your post, but you kind of phrased this as if I was bad for suggesting it. I was just offering help to someone who asked for it and telling them what worked for me, I wasn't suggesting they had to do it. I feel that it's a personal decision and no one should be criticized for doing things their own way, just as I wouldn't say anything derogatory to you for your belief in using more 'natural' methods. If your post was not meant to offend me, then I apologize for saying anything; I just felt kind of attacked by the way you phrased this.
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What is Diatomacios earth, peat, and herdicides. Also what do you put in the water.
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What you need to do is go to Tractor Supply or another farm/feed/garden store and pick up some Sevin 5% Dust. It's in a red container. Dust the birds with it, either by putting some in old nylons and using the nylons as a powder puff all over their body, or by filling a small bag with Sevin, putting the bird in leaving just its head out, and gently shaking the bag so the dust goes all around the bird. I like the nylon method, lol.

Then, clean out the coop. Clean it well. Use a gentle soap and water. Dust everything with the Sevin (the walls, floor, roosts, literally everything), put bedding in and mix the bedding with Sevin. Wait a week, and do it all over to kill any that might have hatched in the meantime, since Sevin does not kill eggs, just adults.

I it Gardintick Sevin Ready-To-Use 5% Dust???
I cannot imagine putting a chemical on my chicks??!! Diorama crocus earth is prob cheaper too! Anything you can't put on yourself you shouldn't put on them. :(

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