How to Get Urban Chickens in Columbus, Ohio

Just reading through this thread for general interest, and I see some confusion because Franklin County says one thing and City of Columbus says another. Remember, folks, there's a difference between Franklin County and City of Columbus--they are entirely different political subdivisions with different rules, and have jurisdiction over different parts of the area. Upper Arlington, for example, is under Franklin County instead of City of Columbus. So you have to figure out whose jurisdiction you fall under--you don't fall under both.

I don't know any folks from Columbus Health, but Charlie from Franklin County Board of Health is a good guy. I can't vouch for his chicken knowledge, but I do know he appreciates a good, fresh home-grown egg as much as we do!

Charlie Broschart, R.S.

Community Environmental Health Services

Franklin County Board of Health

Phone: (614) 462-4538

Fax: (614) 462-3851

[email protected]
Just keeping the thread alive, I'm happy to announce that even though Public health was dragging their feet my neighbors don't mind my birds and when city workers were out fixing a water main they didn't mind the birds either. We're already looking for bigger property so we can expand our operation and hopefully add a few more animals.
I'm so excited to see the county ordinance might be changed. I'm not in the City so those laws don't apply to me but I am in a subdivision in the county. We had 2 hens but zoning was called on us about another issue and they found the hens so we had to get rid of them. I can't wait to get hens again. I hate hunting down eggs to buy and then I still don't know what they were fed. According to what I read, I could have up to 8 hens/ducks/rabbits total. I think I'll stick with the hens :) I'm glad it's not as restrictive as the Clintonville/Bexley ordinances that limit the total number of household animals to 5.
I finally found out who to call and i sent in my paperwork a week ago and have not heard back from him, i wish i would have found this sooner it would have really helped lol. I have a few questions, how to u properly dispose of the chicken waste? You cant have a compost legally in columbus and u cant burn it i dont think so when he asks me what do i say? Also, do you still have to have 5 acres??? thats crazy!

I am pretty sure they want you to say you will bag it and throw it in the trash. I was told this by people who know what they are talking about.
Just recently got my coop inspected by dr messer & grew lighted. I don't have much time to write but wanted to clarify 2 points. Yes you must have your birds inspected by a vet (my visit cost me $300 -but I think I've found a way around this with a mail in feces test for $30) & yes they expect you to dispose of chicken scat to the trash... Nothing else is acceptable.
Could anyone even tell me where to get the darn paperwork? I tried several links to no avail. My daughter wants to raise our chickens for 4h, but once we brought them outside and into the coop, about 2 days later a letter arrived from Dr. Messer. No paperwork, not even a mention of what animals we might have that are in violation of the codes. Just a list of what you might need to do if you want to have "livestock" on your property. I can't find the paperwork anywhere online, and with 5 kids I can't seem to make a phone call unless I lock myself in the bathroom. Maybe I should just get a privacy fence...
I would email Dr. Messer: [email protected]. Or I have an extra one if you want to send me your address I will mail it to you.

Also, anyone know what else I need to include with our permit? I understand we need coop plans and a written waste management plan. When we get our chicks checked out at the vet I know we have to send the paperwork in. Anything else?


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