How to Give Wazine to Super Sick Chicken? Update: Saved her Life!


8 Years
Apr 29, 2011
I have a flock of 12 hens, all about a year old, never wormed.

My black cochin became lethargic two days ago, and is not interested in eating or drinking. I have her isolated. I found round worms in her poo today.

My plan is to give them all Wazine now, then wait a few weeks and give them all ivermec. I understand that this is the best course of action for severely infested chickens, since the ivermec can kill the chicken if given to those with serious infestations.

My question is this: the cochin is not at all interested in eating or drinking. I took a dropper and filled it with the wazine water (done at the dosage indicated on the bottle), but not much made it down her throat. She was just regurgitating most. Does anyone have a suggestion how I can get meds in her quick so she can start to recover? And how long will it take her to recover?

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I have a flock of 12 hens, all about a year old, never wormed.

My black cochin became lethargic two days ago, and is not interested in eating or drinking. I have her isolated. I found round worms in her poo today.

My plan is to give them all Wazine now, then wait a few weeks and give them all ivermec. I understand that this is the best course of action for severely infested chickens, since the ivermec can kill the chicken if given to those with serious infestations.

My question is this: the cochin is not at all interested in eating or drinking. I took a dropper and filled it with the wazine water (done at the dosage indicated on the bottle), but not much made it down her throat. She was just regurgitating most. Does anyone have a suggestion how I can get meds in her quick so she can start to recover? And how long will it take her to recover?


You would be better off using valbazen. It slowly kills worms over several days time. Wazine only gets rid of large roundworms like you observed. Wazine flushes them all out at once carrying a greater risk of toxic worm overload. Chickens can carry many different types of worms, valbazen gets them all. Valbazen is dosed orally, 1/2cc for standards, 1/4cc for smaller birds. Redose again in 10 days. Use a syringe without a needle to administer. Pull the wattles down and their mouth will open. Squirt the wormer in her mouth and quickly release the wattles so the bird can swallow the liquid on her own avoiding aspiration.
Thank you for the helpful reply! No one near me carries valbazen, so I am going to have to order it. Hopefully it will get here in time. Thanks again!
Thank you for the helpful reply! No one near me carries valbazen, so I am going to have to order it. Hopefully it will get here in time. Thanks again!

You can order it from or call them. The 500ml bottle will last you til it expires, usually 3 years. They are out of Dothan, Alabama. I get mine a day later after I order it. You should get it within 2 days time depending where you live in Georgia.
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Just ordered it! That's cool they are in Dothan. I live in Bainbridge, less than an hour from there (the other side of South Georgia!) Hopefully it will get here soon and I can save my poor hen.
Just a quick update in case someone else runs across the same thing. Poor hen was so sick she was on the verge of death and wouldn't eat or drink. I mixed up Wazine with water at twice the recommended dose and began giving it to her orally every few hours. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing shallow. I did this for a full 24 hours. Then gave her just plain water with a dropper. She pooped out a huge wad of worms about 36 hours after treatment, and was back on her feet in no time. Now 10 days later she is great. Going to follow up with Valbazen tomorrow per dawg53. Thanks! It saved her life!
Thank you so much for the update. I have a similar hen right now with a terrible infestation and I am going to try your method.
thanks again! wish our 7 yr old americana named Garcia good luck!
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