How to hatch call ducklings? ***Updated questions!****

He's doing GREAT! Keeps wiggling and rolling :) They are from my ducks. The female that lays the eggs is a mallard and the father is a black call duck OR a black east indie (don't know which one). :D
Okay :) I'll try to post one tomorrow. And the mallard hen is from a different person that breeds mallards. Thanks!
One of my eggs pipped last night and is rocking away and at least 3 others are rocking (1 being a call duck)!!!! :D
One of my eggs pipped last night and is rocking away and at least 3 others are rocking (1 being a call duck)!!!!
YAY!!! Now hands off the bator & let them do their thing.
1 duckling has hatched :) And I think 2 others are rocking. But I'm thinking that none of the call duck eggs are alive :( Oh well, at least I have some!

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