How to hatch call ducklings? ***Updated questions!****

Hi All/ anyone that can please please please help me!

Firstly, I am sorry if I am posting this in the wrong place but needed some advice urgently!

I had 12 cal duckling eggs, I have hatched other duckling when I was younger but never remember it being this hard!

Out of all the ducklings only one had made it this far! :/

Because he is the only one left I have all my hopes and dreams pinned on him and it's not looking great!

I was about to give up yesterday so thought I would candal them one more time (already 3 days late) and as I did one of them moved and cheaped!!!! I was so happy!

But since then nothing, no movement or anything although it was clear he had internally pipped!

I left him 24hrs but could not take it anymore I was so worried he was suffocating! So tonight I externally pipped for him! I was so careful and have damaged him at all!! And I was right he had internally pipped, he is in the correct position, his inner membrane is damp and clear and his beak now has oxygen!

However, he is still not moving or making any noise! How can I tell if he is still alive? Will he have suffocated already? I don't want to disturb him anymore!! I've wrapped him in a warm wet towel and he is back in the incubator! I will continue to check his membrane isn't drying out but I need to know he is alive!! Is it normal for him not to be shouting?

:/ :/

Any help greatly appreciated! I'm already so upset I have only one and failed the other 11 :(:(
Hello, I am new to BYC and I have ordered 11++ butterscotch call duck eggs. This is my first time with calls, any help is greatly appreciated!
I have been reading this thread. I have set 17 Call duck eggs yesterday 26 Mar 16. I have hatch them a few years back and find the questions and answer very interesting. How do you tell has internally pipped?
@Brianfrom Maine usually you can see if it has internally pipped by candling it. You will see a beak sticking into the air sack.
I have a bator that has fan and automatic humidifier system the wet bulb is currently at 85 degrees, does that sound about right for the humidity setting? Any other tips. I have read on the web about daily cooling of the eggs and spraying the eggs with water. What do you recommend? What do you do when hatching call duck eggs?
When you open the bator to turn them is enough 'cooling'. Cooling isn't necessary. Spraying is good IF you have low/medium-low humidity. If the humidity is high, don't spray. Too high of humidity and/or too much spraying is bad for the eggs. It can cause sticky embryo: gooey stuff that forms around the embryo and suffocates it. Call eggs are harder to hatch then normal due to small beaks, so if you aren't experienced in helping eggs hatch, then start your research now.

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