How To Humanely Euthanize A Chicken..

I sincerely apologize. This is a good website and I hope you don't judge all of BYC by my response. It does seem like your mind was made up before you posted your inquiry, so I'll unsubscribe and let you get some help from others. Again, my apologies.
I know this is an old post, however I crushed a benadryl mixed it with very little water and a very little yogurt and put it in a syringe and gave her little at a time. Once she took it all she became very relaxed held her and she basically went right to sleep. She did do the the normal flapping of her wings right at the end or at least tried, I had her wrapped in a towel. Was as humane as I could! Hope this helps! Couldn't watch her suffering any longer!
hi, i was wondering if metacam would work to put mine to sleep, and then overdose her :(
what do you think? she has a prolapsed something apparently
Metacam (meloxicam) is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory used to treat pain and inflammation. It is very unlikely to cause sedation, nor unconsciousness or death. It would cause kidney failure in high enough doses (read over dosing).
The view from the vet community is still that a well performed cervical dislocation is the most humane, second to lethal injection (if not for consumption).
If like me you have come across this old thread via google because you are in the position of needing advice on home euthanization, and like me you had decided that the Co2 method seems to be the most humane way. Before you do please take time to watch this video:

At around 2:18 into the video he explains why Co2 is not an entirely humane way if you use more than 30% - How many of us here could accurately measure the correct percentages? I know I couldn't. In his video he uses Nitrogen as the means to an end. It appears making you own nitrogen is not that straightforward either, and buying it in defeats the object of a cheap and effective way of humanely euthanizing your beloved pets.

I have a pet chicken who needs help in her final exit... I cannot bring myself to neck her or any of the other ways already mentioned in this thread. I've decided the only way is for my vet to do it.

Just thought I'd post this info' up for anyone in a similar position. And give thanks to the people who run and contribute to this forum, you've been a great help to us in the past via google searches on previous chicken keeping topics.

There are very few ways to humanely euth. A vet or a broken neck, or a cut head are the kindest.

When we have to do it, if we're at the vet and get a terminal diagnosis (IE, we can't fix or put that back etc), then the vet does it. But otherwise we snap their necks. It's horrible emotionally. Sobbing is ALWAYS involved. But it is what must be done and I have never been one to back out of something that has to be done.Snapping the neck is humane. It's over fast. I prefer this to chopping their heads off because the body is intact and I can cry/say goodbye.

If a vet does it they gas them down using sedative then use a heart stick to put them out. They inject the drugs directly to the heart. Normal laymen cannot access either the sedative gasses or the euth drugs, and if it's done even slightly wrong, the animal will suffer- they have to gas them down correctly or the heart stick is very painful. On an animal as big as a dog they put it through a vein, but chickens are too small, they go straight through to the heart. It's very humane as long as the gassing down is correct.
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Please do not use CO2 (baking soda and vinegar) to euth a chicken. Co2 is considered humane for rats and mice, and maybe for baby chicks still with the fuzz on them, but anything larger and it will be a very prolonged death. Also, to do it correctly, you need a co2 CANISTER, not baking soda and vinegar and it needs to have a gage on it, so it can be gradually increased as not to alarm the animal. Once they sleep then it's increased to the point of death. You simply cannot control the flow of co2 with baking soda and your animal is going to suffer a miserable death.

Cannot believe some of these suggestions. Car fumes??? Holy crap guys NO.

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