how to introduced new chicks to my chicks?

i amm rescuing a rir chick but i still have 3 fully grown chickens...all hens
how can i introduce them to eachother
i dont want the pecking oder to go on with 3 fullygrown against one little chick
im assuming i will put the chick in her own area until she is a pullet so then shell be closer to there size then i will have quarintined her
i will let them meet through a little gate seperator thingy and upervise them
i will do that in the afternoon
then at night i will put the new one in
then they will be like oh i saw you yesterday and now your here
okay...welcome to th family...tryiing to get as little pecking order as possible
any ideas
so i just found out that the little rir didnt make it

so now we will be getting a barred rock of the same age

hopefully shell make it
I might be able to place them in run side by side. The run I want to build is not going to be made until next week or later. I have a coop that has a run that has a hole cut into the fence made a little bigger with chicken wire zip tied to the main fence. I can place the piece I cut in back and have two small runs for a week while we build the coop.
Thank you for all of your helpful information about introducing new chicks/older chickens to each other. I raised all of my original flock together from "chickhood" last year, no problems. This year I am raising some new varieties to add to my flock when they are older (just 1 and 2 weeks old right now). From what I understand from your comments, I should probably get the chicks integrated very soon (like tomorrow). I only wanted to raise 10 pullet chicks, but the hatchery sent me extra males for warmth in the shipping process. Also, they messed up my order and sent me 5 of the wrong breed. Long story short......I now have 30 chicks! (15 males & 15 girls) I will raise the pullets and we will not be keeping the males but for now I want to put the girls together and put the boys in a different brooder. The one week olds are so small compared to the 2 week olds. I will just have to see how it all goes with the pecking order thing. Hopefully, since they are all just 1 week of age apart, things will go smoothly. I may try the mesh divider idea if it seems like there will be a problem. Anyway, thanks for this valuable information. I'm so happy to be a part of this "sharing" community of fellow foul lovers!

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