How to keep chickens cool in the heat. Tips wanted!

When I had chickens before (probably around 1989 or 90) I never did anything special in the heat. I think we may have lost a couple of meat birds but only the ones with funky legs that couldn't get around so well. I don't remember ever losing a layer to heat back then. I wonder why it's so different now. We haven't had any trouble this summer but our chickens are all still chicks at around 10 weeks now. I'm sure next year will be different so I'll at least put fans in the coop. I hope everyone's chickens cope. We're finally out of the 90s as of today but I know that's nothing compared to the numbers in the deep south. And I'm sure those nasty 90s will be back.
Oh to be in the 90's
Right now the temp is sitting at 110 where I am. Maybe that's why people are having such a hard time this's just hotter
Here is Tulsa Oklahoma the temperature has been 100+ degrees daily ( 111 degrees today).
I am keeping our chickens in the 80 degree crawl space under our home during the day. Why is our crawl space so cool? I believe it is because the dirt under the house is somewhat damp, and that the evaporation of water in the dirt absorbs heat.
Our home is about 1100 square feet. Have 7 small vent openings and the door that is large enough for a person to crawl through.

I truly feel this is a chicken life saver during this Oklahoma heat wave.
A 5 foot by 5 foot wire cage (from Ware Manufacturing) is butted up against the foundation opening, and I keep water and feed in that area.
After the chickens move out from under our house, I will spray the dirt and chicken poop so that bacteria will break down and digest the manure so that the smell is eliminated. eric
I found that SPRINKLERS work awesome for this. Worms will even come up in the mud. Just make sure they have a way to get out of the water or maybe let them out for a set amount of time?? I also would mist mine several times a day . . . if you have time to do this it works great as well.
Please know that we in the PNW are so sorry for your heat troubles. I wish there was something I could do. Wendy's blowing another cool breeze!!!
Gallon size plastic ice cream tubs, the ones with the handles, frozen and then allowed to melt slowly in random parts of their yard. Take a couple out in the morning before work, a couple when you get home and you have a few cold wet spots in the yard. I usually put them in their favorite shady spots for chicken ac. They seem to like it and the handles make carrying 2 or 3 tubs across the yard a little less of an issue. Take em out, dump em out, rinse em out, refill, freeze, repeat.
We now hav been using the following : chicken river twice a day, frozen water bottles, tarps, frozen milk jugs in sand and a couple fans. They all seem to be keeping our chickens alive, when will this heat ever end??? I'm so sick of it!!!
I have a kiddie pool out back with my chickens, and I tried spraying them with water, and they HATED that idea. So I was sitting in the 1 foot deep kiddie pool cooling myself and a few of my tame girls came over to see what was going on, so I just picked them up and sat them in the pool next to me at first they weren't to happy with this idea but then decided it wasn't too bad and just sat there beside me wings floating feet touching the floor of the pool "just Barely" kinda just floating. Probably won't work for MOST chickens but mine are a tad bit domesticated LOL

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