How to keep Hawks away??

until they get used to it.

The only way I have found to permanently get rid of them is a 12 gauge. I dont too much like the idea but I will shoot one if need be. Weve got several on the farm for they dont mess with the birds nor have a even seen the stalking my flock.
Just so that you know, killing hawks is a Federal crime calling for $10,000 fine and a year in jail.
Another thing you might try is calling your local falconer. They have the required permits to trap birds of prey to use for falconry. You can check with your game and fish department for a list of falconers.
didn't work for me......
​Another thing you might try is calling your local falconer.  They have the required permits to trap birds of prey to use for falconry.  You can check with your game and fish department for a list of falconers.
I'm No expert on falconers...but I think they raise their hawks from chicks? A large white goose living in my flock, kept the hawks away....or be sure to give your birds a wide choice of escape areas....wheel barrow, garden furniture, things like that give them a chance to get out of the way....unless you are dealing with a Northern Goshawk....they will chase their prey on foot! And their prey of choice is birds....I've also put feed sacks stuffed with feed sacks around the yard....and move them around daily...seems to keep them guessing....flashing wind hangers might make them think twice...
I recently lost two birds to a Hawk (sadly, not the first time this has happened) so I strung fishing line over the top of my chicken yard. I used LOTS of fishing line - it looks like a GIANT spider web. I have seen the hawks on the ground feet from the chicken yard since and so far so good! I might add some CDs and tin pie plates for good measure.
It is illegal to harm birds of prey though... if it wasn't against the law, trust me they would've been dead as soon as I first saw them near my ducks!
well we poultry lovers need to find away to approach the lawmakers and get a Reimbursement check everytime the government s protected species goes on a daily killing spree of our livestock and quit taking it lying down .
Well, no. My job as a flock owner is to manage things so losses are minimized. Hawks aren't as big a threat as dogs and foxes, and poor coop construction is the #1 problem, IMO. Most of us learn the hard way over time about how to best protect our birds; that's how I learned, anyway. This is a big digression from the hawk theme, sorry. Mary
I think a coyote lifelike decoy smack insight for the hawk to see is a sight deterrent, i will not know until i do studys but like ive said before ,if i was a hawk and i pounced on a big fluffy hen ,once im on the ground my defense s are hampered and hawk and chicken hypothetically can be coyote lunch ,, its worth a try.

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