How to keep my chickens warm?

We also have cows on my fiance's farm that do not have any type of shelter to live in or go under and they do fine all winter long. The only fatalities that she has ever had was occasionally with a new born calf. I personally don't think chickens need any type of hi tech shelter to survive. They do have feathers for insulation. Back when I was a kid and we had chickens, we never insulated the coops and never had a chicken die of cold. Plus these coops were not the best built and were drafty. I think a lot of people here get overly concerned about the winter thing because they consider their chickens pets and want to treat them like a cat or dog and keep them somewhere warm.

I live in Colorado and have already gotten down to -29*, NO heat...draft free coop, a curtain over the pop door, (More to keep the shavings from being blown all around inside), access to water 24/7, well fed balanced, "chicken" feed...we also have cattle and horses, everyone survives fine, NEVER lost an animal to the cold...

We do think of them as pets, if we need warmth, so should they...not true...keep their bellies full and out of the wind, they do fine.
Here are 2 shots of 2 of my girls, doing what chickens do to aid in they were outside in the sub zero temps in the wind during obviously it doesn't bother them at all....otherwise they would be hunkered down in the coop!



**There is a VERY long thread on here about this, many opinions, but to make it easy for you...NO HEAT needed.

Edited to include pics of same birds, in warmer weather:
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Thank you JodiJo for the great photos and the kind and gentle response! -29, oh my.

I've read all the threads about chicken winter survival, and convinced my husband that the chickens do not need a heat lamp as our southern state temps dip to 18 tonight, but I am still relieved to keep reading it on a new thread. Anyone is welcome to not read a thread that doesn't interest them. I have a wounded bird that is in our heated shop, and I am concerned about putting her out in with the flock when she fully recovers because she has been indoors. I know the answer, but I just might post a new thread to get some feedback. I have another chicken I found in the nesting boxes by herself tonight as I locked their doors, so I brought her in the garage with our lone rooster and they can spend the night together. She is more inclined to hang out with us during free range time anyway, so she may be part human.

What I love about this forum is the re-assurance available when I have moments of unsureness. They may be Just Birds to some of you, but for some of us, they are extended family.
I put my4, 6 week old chicks out in the coop with 2, 14 week old RIR the other night. Since then we have gone from 40 down to 20 degrees. I was so scarred I would find some frozen chicks the other night so I headed outside about 11pm, but I was surprised to find that were producing a ton of heat huddled up in a nest of straw in the corner of the coop. I made sure that the wind wasn't whipping through and I slept well.
We're to have 0F tonight, the lowest temp my 8.5 month old pullets have had, by FAR. It is only through the wisdom and reassurances of the good people here that I am not freaking out. We have our coop inside a large barn, it is well sheltered and well ventilated. They have lots of food and liquid water. They will be fine, the will be fine, they will be fine...I keep telling myself.

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