How to keep my chickens warm?

But what happens when you pick them up and feel them shivering? This happens with my Mille Fleur rooster. I can also see his feathered feet shaking. I felt bad and put in a heat lamp.
some chickens adapt better to cold weather than others...I had one of my roos one day shivering...he acclimated and moved to the sunshine.
by adding heat...what happens when the heat goes out, then they are used to the cold and they do suffer then. maybe you need to re-look at the
chickens you have, change to come colder weather birds?
Give them somewhere to get out of direct wind and stay dry and access to plenty of food and water and they should be fine. Ours have been bounding around in blustery 20 degree weather the same as they did when it was 90 and the middle of August. Doesn't appear to faze them even a little bit....I'm jealous. :p

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