How to prevent pasty butt?

​hello, I just got my baby chicks on 9/13 , I checked on them as many times a day as I could, for pasty butt, and made sure there water and feed was clean, and just sat there for a bit with them so they would get use to me. I had 2 out of 8 get pasty butt the first night they were here. I cleaned it off , and after that I started using apple cider vinegar in there water, and so far there butts are clean.
Tuesday they will be 3 weeks
Sounds like your vigilance paid off.
this was very helpful!! ill now be sure to add ACV to their water. i did have 1 out of 6 baby silkie chicks have pasty but and i cleaned it with warm water and a damp wash cloth.
Is Filtered ACV ok for chickens.. I bought a bottle since the unfiltered with mother was unavailable where I am.
I truly hope it's ok.
I've got a question for everyone. I got 8 chick's last week and my 2 of my Easter Eggers chick's had pasty butt. I got one cleaned off with no problem but the other one was so bad I had to use a warm wet paper towel and soaked it to get it off. I didn't think to check their butts after I first got them. The one I had to soak now has a puffy rectum so I put some antibiotic ointment on it. Was that a good idea to do that? Is there something else I can do for her? Here is a picture of her butt.
I've got a question for everyone. I got 8 chick's last week and my 2 of my Easter Eggers chick's had pasty butt. I got one cleaned off with no problem but the other one was so bad I had to use a warm wet paper towel and soaked it to get it off. I didn't think to check their butts after I first got them. The one I had to soak now has a puffy rectum so I put some antibiotic ointment on it. Was that a good idea to do that? Is there something else I can do for her? Here is a picture of her butt.
That pic is not clear enough to really see what's going on......
.....the vent can be swollen and red when pasty butt is happening, 'especially when it's harder to get of.
Yes, soaking it was the right thing to do, be as gentle as possible and just keep and eye on it.
Antibiotic ointment is fine as long as it does not have pain relief ingredient in it.
Plain vaseline or veg oil will also work to keep subsequent poops from sticking to feathers around vent.
I have been reading thru this thread. We just got chicks a week ago and two of the three had pasty butt. Cleaned them all. change and clean the water daily. One of the chicks is still suffering with a pasty butt/constipation situation. I have cleaned her 4 times today. have been applying vaseline, ran her butt under warm water for about 15 minutes earlier tonight and dried her very well. 1/2 hour later she was chirping rapidly and here we go instant replay. Again lots of poop she cannot pass. What else can I try to clear her up? I have adjusted the temperature of the heat lamp, and increased the size of the brooder. I also added a chunk of backyard - grass/dirt to introduce a natural probiotic source.
Yay something I can help with! I've had many chick die on me till I figured out a sulotion to the pasty butt. When I get chicks first thing I do is look at their butts! If there is a lot of fuzz then that spells trouble not all the time but a lot of the time. Take so tweezers and pull a few of the fluff off they will cry but a little pain goes a long way and it helps them too. I check my chicks morning and night I always look at their butts to make sure they don't have any blocking the poop from coming. If its dried I don't suggest wetting it again just pull it off gently and it will pull some fluff off along with it which again they won't be happy about but they'll live! After that just keep an eye on it and it should be done doing that after a couple times.

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