How to prevent turkey poults from "Starving out"?

Poults aren't dumb, they need to be taught things. They don't know something is food unless they are shown that it's food, without a turkey hen to teach them a human has to become the turkey hen. I tap my finger and peep, they peck where I tap, simple and easy, do it a few times a day during the first week, than they know what to eat. Chicks work totally off of instinct, where poults are born ready to learn, which in my opinion makes them smarter.
Poults aren't dumb, they need to be taught things. They don't know something is food unless they are shown that it's food, without a turkey hen to teach them a human has to become the turkey hen. I tap my finger and peep, they peck where I tap, simple and easy, do it a few times a day during the first week, than they know what to eat. Chicks work totally off of instinct, where poults are born ready to learn, which in my opinion makes them smarter.

I tryed doing that pecking thing and the shiny things when mine were little and they never understood how to eat or drink until like the second week they caught onto the water before they found the food.
They're definitely learning. They eat pretty well now, but I do have to keep the food contrasted with greens or their vitamin supplement still. They love scrambled eggs. Water wise they are doing great. And getting bigger! I'm going to have to move them to a bigger pen.
They're definitely learning. They eat pretty well now, but I do have to keep the food contrasted with greens or their vitamin supplement still. They love scrambled eggs. Water wise they are doing great. And getting bigger! I'm going to have to move them to a bigger pen. 
Sounds like now they are training you. It's great they are eating better. Mine go outside during the day if it's warm enough in a smaller wire enclosure that I move to fresh grass every day. They tend to be exhausted by the afternoon and go back to their brooder.
They're definitely learning. They eat pretty well now, but I do have to keep the food contrasted with greens or their vitamin supplement still. They love scrambled eggs. Water wise they are doing great. And getting bigger! I'm going to have to move them to a bigger pen.

X2, I add vitamin supplement to their water and since I have too many chicken eggs left over, I add some hardboiled eggs (crumbled) and chopped spaghetti noodles to their feed.

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