How to protect against hawks

Lost a third hen. I am so broken hearted. I went out and got the netting and will be putting it up before I let the hens out of their coop. Also got an owl.
Oh no!!!!
I heard that guineas could help with hawks is that true.
guineas are watchdogs..They will make all kinds calls if they see anything. They are always on the lookout. Excellent for early warning if ya can't keep a rooster and will fight predators if need be.
So I'll have to worry about hawks getting them through the side of a chain link fence too?
They do make slats/strips that go thru weave of chain link that will not allow anything thru. They come in wood and plastic...Sell em online, home depot, Lowe's etc..If your crafty and had some thin wood or vinyl/plastic maybe even ribbon you could probably make yourself
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Worked all day putting up netting over the top of the entire area I have open for my chickens. I also put an owl up on a branch of a tree hanging over top. I really hope this works, the girls have been out since I finished. I still keep jumping up to see if they are ok.
I hope this protects against hawks!
It has worked for me, so far.

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