How to separate food?

leah vanity

Jun 21, 2022
New England for now...
Hey friends!

One of my hens finally started laying and I want to change her feed but the remainder of my flock isn’t laying yet. Soooooo what do I do about her food?? Keep feeding her chick feed? I have 2 seven month girls and 11 - 3 month old girls & 1 mighty roosty.

Stopped "stage" feeding years ago ... You don't "have to" switch to layer but provide a separate dish of Oyster Shells, those laying will help themselves when they need it. I've switched to Flock Raiser (20%), some to Starter/Grower, All Purpose, Multi Flock, etc ... Saves on storage space and not worry about the younger ones/Roos getting too much calcium (layer)
The problem of multiple birds with differing nutritional needs sharing the same enclosure are why so many of us here on BYC recommend an All Flock/Flock Raiser all the time for all ages and genders, without regard to molt, pooint of lay or other considerations, supported by plenty of clean water, free choice oyster shell, and free choice grit,

The post I usually link.
The problem of multiple birds with differing nutritional needs sharing the same enclosure are why so many of us here on BYC recommend an All Flock/Flock Raiser all the time for all ages and genders, without regard to molt, pooint of lay or other considerations, supported by plenty of clean water, free choice oyster shell, and free choice grit,

The post I usually link.
So you’re suggesting I use an all flock crumble for everyone and also have some oyster shells/grit/fresh water as well?

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