How to successfully move broody off of egg pile?


7 Years
Aug 3, 2015
We have enough roosters already, thanks. By "successfully" I don't mean brutally. At this point I don't want to condition her away from broodiness, altho a response that entertains that consideration is welcome too.
First of all, if you don't want her to hatch eggs, gather up eggs frequently.

Removing eggs= no hatching.

Do you want to break her broodiness or not? If she's not sitting on fertile eggs, then there's really no reason for her to continue to sit. Broody hens lose body condition while sitting, they can also be a target for parasites (lice/mites) and even get picked on.

Some folks place the hen in a raised cage to break them, this allows air flow around the hen and cools her body.

I usually just move the hen off the nest whenever I see her (she'll be ticked off!) and at night I go get her and place her on the roost. This may take several days moving her from nests (she will hone in on any egg that is laid!) and diligence.This has worked for me most of the time. Determined broodies, I've had to cage them.

You'll have to try different tactics. One thing I would not do is dunk a broody in cool water to break her.

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