how to switch from starter crumble to layer pellets


10 Years
Nov 6, 2009
My pullets are nearing the age of egg producing, that being said, it is time to switch from medicated starter to layer pellets. However, my pullets dont like it. I tried to mix the food types but they seem to sift through to only get the crumble. any ideas on how to get them to eat the pellets?
I haven't made the switch yet so take this for what its worth but....when they get hungry enough they'll eat it (I use the same philosophy on dogs and cats, if I buy a brand of food they don't care for
In my area, you can buy layer crumble -- which is more like the starter. Another way to transition from starter to pellets is to mix some in to their feed each day. Chicken psychology is to grab the biggest piece of food first, (a strategy to get the most food if a predator were to chase them away from their feed) so they should grab pellets by preference and after a few days you can gradually transition them to straight pellets. That's the way I did it.
I found a trick last year to convert easily from starter crumbles to layer pellets. I sprinkled some layer pellets in the run like a treat. The chicks loved it. After the second or third day I filled the feeder with pellets. They ate them fine.

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