how to tame a rooster

It has taken what I consider major PMS (Poor Management System) but I now have an American Dominique that is a man-fighter for use in this. He is to the point that with taunting that others might consider self-defense, he will sustain a full on hard hitting attack for close to five minutes against a stick or broom as well as my foot.. He does not employ the sneak attacks many report but I will attempt to treat in similar manner. His pummeling does smart but he lacks the ferocity or staying power of the games. He does have modest spurs but in this case nothing will be done to neutralize them. I tried to film but had battery problems with camcorder. This is being resolved to show video of attacks first. Then effort to break bird of habit will begin.
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Below is rooster that has become a man-fighter. He is a 14 month old American Dominique. The behavior started off as aggressiveness directed at feed bucket. I promoted more aggression first by simply giving him feed when he attacked front of pen trying to get at scoop. Then I backed away when he pushed attacked giving him the impression I was afraid of him. This process was maintained for about a week. Then I released him from pen and he launched a sustained attack at my feet and lower legs. Initially he preferred to some at me from behind but he quickly got to point where he would launch a frontal attack. The attacks unpleasant for me but likely are not without stress on him as well.
[VIDEO] [/VIDEO] This weekend I will begin process to break him of the habit.
Maybe its the breed that is aggressive... I don't what breed he is but hes black and white speckles hes really beautiful! and thank you I will need help videoing him thanks again!
American Dominiques are generally good natured but are easy to train with a feed bucket. Most are quite good even around kids. This guy if he got sassy with dogs around would get his butt kicked in a manner that seems to stops such aggression even better than I can with the training.

What kind of video camera will you be using? DO you have a youtube account?
that's what my rooster dose but jumps at me and bumps me with his chest and feet like a ninja! its crazy! he has nubs not spurs yet, when do they develop spurs? hes almost a year old..
Roosters that are human aggressive need to be in the crock pot... It's not smart to attack a creature who's 20x larger who feeds you every day! No brains, shouldn't reproduce either. If he can learn not to attack one individual human, he'll still go after everyone else. Dangerous, especially to children. If your boyfriend wants to live with him, so be it. Let him enjoy, and stay out of the coop yourself... Mary
I completely agree.

Most of the people on here are telling you how to place yourself at the top of the pecking order - any good rooster who isn't at the top is going to want to be, and these roosters will eventually start up again when they see an opportunity.

Aggression is mostly genetic. Cull the rooster, raise up some new ones. Keep the best.
I remember my grandma going into her coop with a axe handle to fight off the agressive roosters so she could get the eggs. She use to tell us kids dont go in there without me or your G-Pa because those roosters wilk hurt you. We use to watch her smack them upside there heads to get them back and we use to ask what if you kill one when you hit it, all she would say was "We will have dinner then wont we"

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