How to Tell a Fertile vs INfertile Egg (Pictures)


a 2 day old fertile candled may look like this with a red circle, if you didn't want to crack an egg. this has been incubated though.
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Each time I incubate my eggs, I had many unhatch. I usually wonder if I can tell which one is fertile or not firtile. Thanks for sharing this.

Only count your eggs after you pull your clears. in the above batch in the left hand carton I had 4, the carton on the right I had one.

on day 7 I candle, (the above is actually day 6) if there is no veins I pull them and then I start my count.

this batch 6/6 currently is on day 8.
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Ok so these aren't fertile? I have been reading this thread and with these I keep looking at them thinking I see a ring. Thoughts?

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