How to tell age of chicken?

Hi, newbie here! I had suspected that one of our hens was a more older gal, but I was never sure how to tell.
So I guess according to this thread she's likely over a couple years old?
Nobody has mentioned it, so maybe its not a good way to tell. But couldnt you tell by the toenails? Wouldnt an older bird have thicker, possibly longer toenails? I just sold my Black Cochin, whose nails were long! But she was at least 2 years old. Wouldnt younger birds have thinner, and shorter toenails?
Actually combing really has nothing to do with age(In my respective).
Depending on breed. My Dorkings combs get bigger and droopier, my Plymouths don't change at all. My Hamburghs and Wyandottes slightly change but it's only noticeable if you've got like a 5 year old hen next to a 1 year old.

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