How to transport geese?


Apr 8, 2021
Hi everyone, I am transporting two 12 week old sebastopol geese tomorrow and wanted to know a few things. I have a large soft dog crate with a non slip mat, is it worth putting in bedding too? I have aubichick hemp bedding. Also how often should I stop and offer them water (or does this need to be made available for the whole trip) and do I need to offer them food on the journey? I have transported birds before but never for such a long time - the trip is 5 hours. I believe it is meant to be fairly cool tomorrow (UK) but have a cool mat and air con if not. These are our first geese and we are so excited so just want to make sure everything goes well, I have asked the breeder about transport but he didn't give much info. I considered getting a courier to transport them but worried about spread of disease etc if they are transporting other birds. Any help before tomorrow would be much appreciated.
When I transport my geese, I use the kind of sheets you have for kids who pee in their bed - either the washable cloth ones or the single use diaper-like ones. For shorter distances just a thick towel that I'm not too attached to.
I bring a small bucket and some water. On longer trips I make stops and fill the bucket, so they can rinse their heads. But that is outside the car where they get to run around a little - I've only travelled with imprinted geese. How often depends on the temperature. I don't usually provide water while driving - they'll just play with it. But there are spill-proof water bowls for dogs that can be used for geese.
As you have airconditioning, and your geese are new to you, I would aim for getting back sooner rather than making more stops. Maybe place a little toy in the crate for them to play with during the trip - something safe like a plastic clog. They like chewing stuff when they're nervous; it seems to calm them.
I wish you all a safe trip!
Thank you for your help! Got them back in one piece, although it looks like they really haven't been handled much at all - they seemed terrified when the breeder picked them up, and when we took them out of their carrier they were really distressed. They have not moved from one corner of their shed and I am worried they aren't eating or drinking. Really sad :(

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