How to treat sour crop

For the recent posters please read the earlier posts at the beginning of this thread. Some of these people sadly lost hens because of vomiting them. It's so easy to make them aspirate the fluids into their lungs. If that happens it leads to a pretty nasty death. For the chicken's sake, DO NOT VOMIT. I also speak from experience.
Hi everyone, one of my Rhode islands has sour crop. Lots of seeds in there. Crop is very warm to touch, with some big chunks of seeds in there.

I gave her some yogurt water.
Then massaged crop.
I blended minced garlic in filtered water, leaving on slowest speed for 6min.

I gave her the strong garlic water with a 10ml syringe, letting drops fall on her tongue until she started swallowing them and I would pause. Then repeated until she made it clear she didn't want anymore.

I massaged the crop trying to break up any chunks of seeds bound together with some success.

Also I wanted to gently distribute the garlic water throughout crop as much as possible. Garlic has very strong antifungal properties, antibacterial as well, and it boosts the immune system.

She's resting now. I'll post more updates soon
I massaged her crop morning and evening. Moved the rooster out because she was just standing still with him looking miserable. I left her out with the rest of the hands and she got to moving around and it took about 4 days and she's all cleared up. I was lucky I didn't have to separate her or give her any remedies.
Hard mass, not squishy. From earlier posts I think my hen has a crop issue but the tennis size bulge is very hard and on one side. She's had it a couple weeks or so. I thought she was puffed up because of the cold. She's lost considerable weight and seems uncomfortable. I don't want to put her through a lot. Could it be a tumor since it's only on one side and growing? She doesn't mind you squeezing it. Thanks :)
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Quick update: she's doing better. Seems the garlic water has been working. I'm watching her for two more days, while giving at least 20ml of the garlic water solution three times a day. And continuing the crop massage to break up the chunks of seeds that are bound together in her crop.

I've put water with apple cider vinegar in her bowl and grit in another.

More updates soon...
I have been battling a sour crop for a few weeks now. My hens crop was starting to empty in the morning but then it came back. I have vomited her on a few occasions but I just don't want to do it any more. I am afraid it will kill her. I have also been using a generic brand of Monistat for the past few days and it has not helped. I feel like it has gotten worse. I also give her yogurt everyday and was giving ACV everyday but didn't seem to be helping. I'm really not sure what to do for her now, yesterday she started snaking her head around which she was not doing before. Could she have worms? and I am not treating her right? Her crop is super squishy, size of a tennis ball right now and its hanging low. She eats and drinks just fine and acts normal other wise. I cannot afford to take her to a vet, any advice on how I can cure this once and for all, without more vomiting? I don't want to lose her!
Ok I'm on day 3 with the hen. Her breath smells like garlic. Her crop is much reduced! There is one last chunk in there that she's still working on. It feels very warm but she seems to be feeling almost back to normal.

The garlic water by syringe seems to have healed her. She's not in the clear yet but is definitely way better than day 1.
I have been battling a sour crop for a few weeks now. My hens crop was starting to empty in the morning but then it came back. I have vomited her on a few occasions but I just don't want to do it any more. I am afraid it will kill her. I have also been using a generic brand of Monistat for the past few days and it has not helped. I feel like it has gotten worse. I also give her yogurt everyday and was giving ACV everyday but didn't seem to be helping. I'm really not sure what to do for her now, yesterday she started snaking her head around which she was not doing before. Could she have worms? and I am not treating her right? Her crop is super squishy, size of a tennis ball right now and its hanging low. She eats and drinks just fine and acts normal other wise. I cannot afford to take her to a vet, any advice on how I can cure this once and for all, without more vomiting? I don't want to lose her!
how is your hen? Have you tried garlic water?
I gave my chuck a little olive oil to try help move any blockage to the gizzard, this seemed to help I then fed a little yoghurt and acv in the water for a few days, I have Learnt the hard way vomiting chucks I lost a much loved silkie hen doing so. Please don't vomit your chucks it is dangerous!!
I too have had sour crop in my chickens. I have lost 2 even tho I've treated with various remedies. Online i purchased potent brew tonic and some sour crop pills which seem like pure charcoal. Acv in water with garlic etc. They seemed to get better before they eventually went downhill and died. They were very 3 years old so i don't think they are meant to live long, being hybrids. Another old hen is going down now, but apart from keeping her warm and peacefully i don't think i would try anything this time. She had a little spaghetti treat today, as she is not interested in anything else that i have tried. Once they stop eating I'm afraid it's game in future i will only have pure breeds that live longer.
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