How to treat sour crop

how is your hen? Have you tried garlic water?

I have been giving her raw garlic and yogurt but it has not been helping. So I stopped with the yogurt as I feel it was making it worse and an still giving garlic and have made her vomit a couple times, like this morning. I can feel she has something stringy in there so I'm massaging her a lot to break it up. She's still alive though! Hoping that whatever is in there will break down soon and pass through her.
how is your hen? Have you tried garlic water?

She eats, poops, drinks, everything normal she just has a droopy crop with some fluid and stringy stuff in there. Other wise she is totally normal. Poops look normal. I thought she might have worms but I don't think she does. They would show in the poop right? And she loves to eat and drink. She gets layer crumble freely, no meal worms or grains or seeds right now. And I throw grit in the coop for all of my hens, if they want it.
So this morning, My hens crop was empty! I massaged alot the day before. She stuffed herself with food today, huge crop before she went in the coop for the night. I'm praying her crop empties again in the morning. How is your hen doing?
On the 4th day the chunk of seeds in her crop was much smaller, then on the fifth, it was gone! I gave her yogurt for the next two days and acv water. Today I gave her crumble with water in it to make it soft and put some grit in it too. She is doing good so far. I think I'll put her back in the coop soon.
Hi, I have a Whiting True Blue, 3 weeks old. She and her six sisters got to play outside yesterday and ate some dandelion petals. Today her sisters pecked at her swollen upper eyelid. I cleaned it off and cuddled her, and when I put her back in the separate box, away from her sisters, she is lethargic and panting. Did she get too hot or was is the dandelions?
I'm glad she is hanging in there!

The day after my girls crop cleared she stuffed herself with crumble, it was not empty that next morning but almost. I can see its digesting but today it has felt a little doughy and I saw her poop water yesterday. I think that something is still blocked and only the liquid is passing through her. She drinks alot of water. I took her feed away early today and gave her some garlic with a little lemon juice on it. So, it continues! ugh! We'll see how her crop feels in the morning.
I am on day 4 of battling sour crop in my lavender Orpington. I've helped her puke once a day but am done doing that bc I'm so scared to choke her. I did ACV in her water and probiotics mixed with mashed chicken food/warm water the first two days andshe showed no improvement. I read the ACV can actually make it worse and increase the acidity of the nasty fluid - also read to switch to a little baking soda in her water to change the PH to where fungus/ bacteria can't grow. The foul smell is better and the fluid is now white/yellow instead of brown, but there is still a LOT of it. I'm massaging at least twice a day but can't feel any blockage...just a lot of liquid. She doesn't eat tons but some. I guess my main question is, how long does this go on? Should I see improvement daily? if the crop is still filling with fluid does that mean it's still blocked? I'm such a newby and don't want to lose her!
Battling sour crop with one of my chicks now.
Trying the olive oil drops and the yogurt mixed in scrambled egg. Masaging it regularly. I surely hope this works. We are on day 3, and it keeps coming back. I've separated her and she has water only - no feed in there.
We are now on day 7 and her crop is still filling with fluid. Does anyone know how long it should take to clear up?!
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My hen is still going back and forth with her crop, it's been like 2 months now. I had started giving her chopped raw garlic every night before she sleeps and that has helped a lot. Her crop clears in the morning when I do that. Then I stopped the garlic for a few days and continued to give ACV water everyday and she filled up again. I took the ACV water out 2 days ago and started the garlic again with a small squeeze of lemon juice, just a couple drops, and her cropped cleared. It does still hang low as I think her muscles got stretched out but her crop does empty, so that's good, and she eats and drinks a lot. I continue to check her every morning and massage her in the morning and at night after giving her the garlic. I stopped vomiting completely as I thought it was too risky. But she doesn't even need vomiting anymore, I had only done it a couple times. Try the garlic, it may help for you too.
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