How to use the whole animal (waste not want not)

We always made a farmers sausage ? not as interesting as what others have one , but great fried , baked , BBQ'd and easy to make . The Ukrainians make a awesome cube garlic sausage ...........but they take there recipes to the grave unfortunately , I have tried ! old family secret ..blah blah

that last one looks really good it uses a WHOLE head of garlic
Sam, aren't the smoked farmers a bit tough? But I suppose if you grind them up properly...
Another sausage I've made is Potatiskorv or Värmlandskorv, Swedish potato sausage. This is the recipe but I go lighter on the onion, I love onions but the wife thought it was a little to much.;

You can make the batch any size but it uses; 2/3 potatoes, 1/3 meat (half beef, half pork), 3/4 lb onions per each lb of meat. Seasoning: 1-1/2 tblsp salt and 3/4 tsp pepper per pound of meat.
They are mild on the flavor.

10 lbs potatoes, 2.5 lbs beef, 2.5 lbs pork, 3.75 lbs onions, 7.5 tblsp salt, 3.5 tsp pepper. Medium or coarse grind potatoes and onions. Stuff in hog casings LOOSELY!! AND prick the sausages at 2 inch intervals to vent pressure ( I didn't pay attention to that the first time I made them, potatoes swell when they cook and all my sausages BURST! A mess! meat and tater soup with soggy chittlins! ) Gently boil in water one hour. Freeze or eat.

I like to fry the in butter when I eat them, get them a little crispy, cut in chunks and dip in ketchup, goes good with eggs for breakfast.
Another sausage I've made is Potatiskorv or Värmlandskorv, Swedish potato sausage. This is the recipe but I go lighter on the onion, I love onions but the wife thought it was a little to much.;

You can make the batch any size but it uses; 2/3 potatoes, 1/3 meat (half beef, half pork), 3/4 lb onions per each lb of meat. Seasoning: 1-1/2 tblsp salt and 3/4 tsp pepper per pound of meat.
They are mild on the flavor.

10 lbs potatoes, 2.5 lbs beef, 2.5 lbs pork, 3.75 lbs onions, 7.5 tblsp salt, 3.5 tsp pepper. Medium or coarse grind potatoes and onions. Stuff in hog casings LOOSELY!! AND prick the sausages at 2 inch intervals to vent pressure ( I didn't pay attention to that the first time I made them, potatoes swell when they cook and all my sausages BURST! A mess! meat and tater soup with soggy chittlins! ) Gently boil in water one hour. Freeze or eat.

I like to fry the in butter when I eat them, get them a little crispy, cut in chunks and dip in ketchup, goes good with eggs for breakfast.

Sound delicious , never thought of using potatoes in a sausage ? morning sausage ?? . Wonder what it would taste like if the beef was substituted with wild meat ?
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I really want to make a small smoke house and do some of my own sausage, plus is @Sharps Big 50 and my brother go boar hunting and bison hunting this year have a perfect opportunity to make some
I eat it for breakfast but traditionally it is a Christmas sausage ate with dinner. I never heard of them either, my father in law told me his mother used to cook them and he hadn't had them in yrs so I looked up a recipe and made us some.

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