Howdy neighbors!! A Hello And A Thank You

I liked this idea; the pre-loaded questionnaire. It seemed best for a rambler like me :) thank you all for everything, I’m so glad to be here and YOU RULE! BYC 4 LIFE! YAY!

(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?

    • I am not new to chickens. I’ve been around them my whole life.
    • I wasn’t able to get my first chicken until I moved into my own place in my mid twenties.
(2) How many chickens do you have right now?
  • 20+
(3) What breeds do you have?

    • Australorp. White Silkie. Dominique. Barred Plymouth Rock. Buff Orpington. Gold Star Sex-Link. Delaware. Porcelain Milles-des-Fleures. Bantam Cochin. Easter Egger. Americauna. Frizzle? ISA red. And cross-breed mutt type chickens.
      • (Though btw I do care a lot about the Livestock Breed Conservatory. And NPIP on that note. And biosecurity)
(4) What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard chickens?

    • The challenges, honestly. Problem solving.
    • As well as building coops, brooders, and optimal habitats.
    • Combining my science background and skills with the bias of my love for these little critters; we get the best out of each other.
    • Watching my little boo’s flourish. and when I’m freaking out with fear and lack of control; they show me; “we got this—it’s okay!” I under-estimate them. I love them.
(5) What are some of your other hobbies?

    • Comedy. Music. Making music. Sewing(newbie). Building anything-I want to do it all! Handyman-wannabe. Gardening. Art. Designing habitats. Learning to be a self-sufficient home-owner/homesteader.
(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.

    • Occupation—vet tech. Other pets—cats and 2 deceased dogs.
(7) Bonus: How did you find BYC, how long have you known about BYC, and what made you finally join our awesome community? :D
  • I found it through online searching info about chickens. It seems like it’s been 6+ years? Is that possible? It’s been my favorite place and has TRULY shepherded me through my life as a full-blown poultry..person hahaha this website even warned me! They said if you think you’re done at 5 chickens...just wait. They were SO SO CORRECT. On a serious note—i want to thank the countless ppl that helped me, if you only knew! Everyone on here is making a sincere difference.
  • What made me finally want to join
    • I felt like I was just taking and taking and not reciprocating. Though in the beginning, I had nothing TO reciprocate
    • Secondly, there was this barrier, I’ve always wanted to be part of the community—i guess I’m just finally doing it now, I don’t’s...I don’t know (getting embarrassed, losing words)
:frow :celebrate :goodpost: :welcome
Seriously, awesome introduction!

Well, It's about time you finally decided to join!! I think you're gonna fit in so well around here! I'm still pretty new to chickens (only a couple years and also a long-time lurker before that) but I do love being part of this community and sharing the things I've learned.

Don't forget to visit the other social forums too...
Games, Jokes and Fun
Pictures and Stories of My Chickens
And a favorite thread Chicken Shaming to lighten the Mood
Oh, and I recently discovered this section (even though it's been there forever)
Sponsored Content, Contests and Giveaways
you never know what you could win!

Your flock sounds absolutely gorgeous -would love to see some pictures! If you have too many photos, that's perfectly ok, you can always create an album using the "gallery" tab and it will be linked right on your profile page for us all to see. :D

Glad you're here!

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